African Buttefly Fish Information Wanted


Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
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Victoria Australia
I wish to purchase one of these great fish however not sure which fish go with a ABF. I am moving some of my fish to my 32 gallon sometime soon (do not have plants or substrate for the tank not sure if any fish would be alright in there.)
The tiger barbs and danios are an absolute no, both will harrass a ABF to death, there could also be problems with the angel fish which could mistake the finnage for another angel and cause territorial aggression.

ABF will eat smaller fish so there is a chance the khulie's could be eaten if they came to the top of the tank.
Agreed on the kuhlis. I fed mine earthworms the same size as the ABFs body, and he ate them no problem.

I would also use floating plants, ensure there is an area of water without movement, and that the tank is well covered.
I recently got some and thought my very nippy marbled headstander would pester them non-stop but he seems more scared of them than anything and rarely goes near them. I had a large territorial apollo shark that attacked them as soon as they were in, so had to move him. But my other apollo gets on well. I'd avoid any territorial surface dwellers. For some reason my African Brown Knifefish has been pestering them a bit lately.

African butterflies are among my favourite fish. But they are tricky to house in community tanks. I'd perhaps think about stuff like catfish that will stay close to the bottom. Maybe not Synodontis nigriventris, which can be a fin-nipper, but certainly things like Corydoras, Tatia, glass cats, that sort of thing. As far as midwater fish, I'd think about silver hatchetfish, which swim a few inches below the surface rather than right at the surface. They are too big to be eaten, but are relatively peaceful and un-nippy (at least towards other fish -- they do fight among themselves -- a lot!).

Ropefish would be a good choice, and possible the very smallest bichirs, like Polypterus palmas too. Medium sized, peaceful Ctenopoma would be good too. I'd recommend Ct. acutirostre as being completely placid as well as hardy and very attractive. Ct. acutirostre do need lots of plants or caves though, as they are quite shy. Floating plants would be ideal for all these fishes, and would have the extra benefit of stopping the butterflies (or hatchets) from jumping. Even in a covered tank, they can still jump and hit their heads on the lights (my hatchets do this once or twice a day and have lost a good few scales in the process!).


I thought the danios and Kuhlii's would be a problem, I doubt my Tiger barbs would do anything as they have never attacked any of my other fish and are scared of my Ram who attacks only them. My angels are small and not aggressive "yet". Hatchetfish in Aus are expensive and ropefish aren't around Aus.

Could a Bichir go at all?
My black and gold African butterfly will be housed with 3 peacock eels (2 normal 1 striped), a senegal, and a syno. cat. ^_^
I thought the danios and Kuhlii's would be a problem, I doubt my Tiger barbs would do anything as they have never attacked any of my other fish and are scared of my Ram who attacks only them. My angels are small and not aggressive "yet". Hatchetfish in Aus are expensive and ropefish aren't around Aus.

Could a Bichir go at all?

The long trailing finnage will just be too tempting for the tiger barbs not to nip, please do not try and keep any barbs with african butterfly fish.
good thing i did a search before buying a butterfly fish from walmart. they have em for $4.00, but i have tiger barbs, danios, and a betta (among others) so i guess the barbs would piss it off. would i be correct in assuming the betta would have a go at it too?
I have had my AFB for 2yrs now and its one of my favorites. It is in a 55 with tiger barbs,gouramies,angels,2 eels,cories and a pleco. I have floating plants and i have never had any trouble between any of my fish and the AFB. It eats crickets flies bloodworms and flake food. I would recomend these awsome fish to anyone with a decent sized tank. Water level should be a couple inches from top and floating plants are a bonus.

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