African Brown Knife


Apr 25, 2004
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Dearborn Heights, MI (Near Detroit)
I had one of this in my 30-Gallon, and thanks to the advice of everyone on this forum, I got rid of him because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get a larger tank anytime soon.

Well, as it turns out, I am now the proud owner of a 75 Gallon Perfecto Oak Setup. (Though, I might not get it for a few extra days since I have to pay for another 75 gallon, thanks to my clumsiness and absentmindedness...) However, I have an entirely different setup now - African Cichlids, a Spiney Eel and my faithful Pleco.

What I'm curious about is if the African Brown Knife and the African Cichlids would get along halfway decently? I've seen pictures of the Knife kept with Yellow Labs (also known as Electric Yellows) - which I have 2 of. But I also have a wide assortment of other Africans.

To sound completely dense, my logic really is "Hey my cichlids are African...the knife is African - this may work!" But of course, I don't want to rush out and buy another one until I know for sure. :)

As for specs on the Knife - the stores advertise them only getting to 8 inches, but the biggest I've seen them noted as on the web is 12 inches. They are, and I can tell you this out of certainty, smaller than Ghost Knifes. (Ghost knifes, from what I've seen and read, reach about 2 feet)

Any ideas/suggestions/words of wisdom?
Two comments-

One, your new tank sounds awesome, hope you can post pictures of it when it's fully planted etc.

Two, post this question over in the Cichlids forum, you'll get answers MUCH faster over there! Hope it all works out for you. :thumbs:

SnowyZMom B)

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