African Brown Knife


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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How peaceful are these guys and do they eat plants? Also what toher information do you know about them?
All knife fishes are predators and will eat any fish that can fit into their mouths, generally to be safe tankmates for any predatory fish should be at least 2/3 the size, ie a 12" fish needs 8" tankmates. They wont harm plants.
Would they eat crabs? I have 3 kinda small algae eaters and this knife I believe is 5 inches now maybe. In my tnak I have: 2 angel fish 2-3 inches(I am guessing one will die), 1 bala shark will get another one soon 2-3 inches, One red tail shark 2 inches, 2 blue gouramis pretty big like 3-4, 3 algae eaters 1 inch each, 1 dinausour eel 4 inches.
wow dinosaur eel? anyway i found african knives are one of the more inoffensive knife fish tending to be shy and reclusicve critters but dont make a mistake they will eat small fish, they tend to go for meaty foods so blood worm and washed chopped worm will do nice
I have an African Brown Knife - which I'm actually donating tonight. (Finally found a home for him.) He's been in my 29-Gallon with other assorted fish (including Priscella Tetras, Silver Tip Tetras, and Zebra Danios - all of which are much smaller than he is) and he's left every single one of them alone.

As for plants, I have none in my tank - so I can't comment on that. I have found the Knife to be pretty shy - he just hangs out in his corner most of the time (day and night) Once in a while, he'll venture out - but that's mostly when I'm up and he's ready to eat or visit. :)

Oh, and uh - by the way. I see you have a 29-Gallon...I'm just passing on the same info that I've been told every time I've posted regarding my Knife. *ahem*

"African Brown Knife fish require a tank of at least 50 gallons as they will grow to be about 12-14 inches in length". :p
I am going to try to get a bigger tank soon hopefully if I can.
My brown knife loves amazon swords and java fern, or any other plant with a broad leaf. (as do my other knives)

He'll slink through them when he comes out during the day, and enjoys the shade (I have a 160 watt fixture on that tank) However, they'll be most comfortable in a hollow structure such as a log or a big cave.

Foodwise, I feed mine chopped beefheart and bloodworms. I'll throw in the occasional feeder fish just so he has something to chase (I don't particularly like this, since i've lost previous fish to diseased feeders)

Other than that, he should be fine with his current tankmates. The only trouble I ever had with browns was when I had two in the same tank. Like almost all knives, they become territorial and will fight each other over the the most suitable parts of the tank (unless they have a lot of room)

Good luck!

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