The bichir I kept was Polypterus palmas polli, a very small species and it did well with the Congo tetras. Polypterus palmas polli rarely seem to exceed 25 cm in captivity, whereas Polypteras senegalus often exceeds 30 cm, and many other bichirs are much bigger. Obviously, the bigger the bichir, the bigger the companions.
Congo tetras are maybe not all that long, but they're deep-bodied and chunky, and there's no way a small bichir like mine was going to be able to eat one. If you can, try and see some adult Congo tetras: they're big! The ones in the UK are sold at around 6 cm in length, and seem to reach about 8 to 10 cm in captivity.
I also kept my bichir with Ctenopoma acutirostre and, later on, with Ctenopoma fasciolatum.