Afican Dwaft Frogs


New Member
May 16, 2009
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can they be in a semi aggressive tank? the tank is housing tiger barb, zebra danios, rainbow shark, bala sharks, and im planning on getting an algae eater maybe some kind of pelco or something
the tank is 30gallons (i do realized id have to hand feed the frogs) but are they compatable to live in this tank?
oh and im planning on buying more tiger barb to reduce the fin nipping
Basically, no, they wont cope well in that tank.
Even if you hand fed them, it wouldn't be fair to keep them with such active/large/nippy fish.

You do realise you tank is too small for the fish you have already, yes?
I'm not sure if all the fish are in yet, Three Fingers. I posted in another one of the OP's threads earlier today, and my impression was that its only Danios at the moment.

Maybe Aquaticman will confirm?
I'm not sure if all the fish are in yet, Three Fingers. I posted in another one of the OP's threads earlier today, and my impression was that its only Danios at the moment.

Maybe Aquaticman will confirm?

yeah your right those are the fish i would like in my tank, but im guessing all these fish cant live with the frogs (except maybe the danios?)
Basically, no, they wont cope well in that tank.
Even if you hand fed them, it wouldn't be fair to keep them with such active/large/nippy fish.

You do realise you tank is too small for the fish you have already, yes?

yes my brother has a 65 gallon in the livingroom that would be the repacement home for most of those fish if i got them
Avoid the bala sharks altogether, a 65 gallon isnt really ideal for them either.

Other than that the tiger barbs are a bit...boisterous to go with dwarf frogs. If you made sure they go food by hand feeding them, it may be OK. It totally depend on the barbs temperament once in your tank, so dont even consider it unless you have 8+ tiger barbs and quite a few live/plastic plants.

Rainbow sharks are a little too territorial for me to recommend keeping ADF's with in a 30g.
There are lots of fish of similar sizes that are more active and more peaceful than rainbow sharks though, how about a couple of Siamese algae eaters (not just one)?
Or a single flying fox?
Avoid the bala sharks altogether, a 65 gallon isnt really ideal for them either.

Other than that the tiger barbs are a bit...boisterous to go with dwarf frogs. If you made sure they go food by hand feeding them, it may be OK. It totally depend on the barbs temperament once in your tank, so dont even consider it unless you have 8+ tiger barbs and quite a few live/plastic plants.

Rainbow sharks are a little too territorial for me to recommend keeping ADF's with in a 30g.
There are lots of fish of similar sizes that are more active and more peaceful than rainbow sharks though, how about a couple of Siamese algae eaters (not just one)?
Or a single flying fox?

I was actually looking into the siamese algae eaters but they dont sell them at the petco by me, they have a limited selection of fish for some reason. they did have the chinese algae eaters (but i heard they get territorial when aged). as for plants my tank is some what planted with some bogwood but i plan on getting maybe 2 more live plants (amazon sword, java fern).
would some tetras be good? maybe neons? or something
oh and is it alright if i mix tiger barb species like 4 normal and 4 green tiger barb? or should i just buy i specie
Tetras would be much better for the frogs than barbs.

Mixing the barbs is fine, they are actually the same species, they have just been selectively bred for different colours.

If these are your first fish and this is the only tank your likely to have soon, I would very much recommender asking in tropical discussion what the best fish store in your area is, then travelling down to it - rather than putting up with a poor selection from Petco.

If you have the money to pay for postage, using online fish stores would give you a much larger and much more appropriate selection too :good:.
Tetras would be much better for the frogs than barbs.

Mixing the barbs is fine, they are actually the same species, they have just been selectively bred for different colours.

If these are your first fish and this is the only tank your likely to have soon, I would very much recommender asking in tropical discussion what the best fish store in your area is, then travelling down to it - rather than putting up with a poor selection from Petco.

If you have the money to pay for postage, using online fish stores would give you a much larger and much more appropriate selection too :good:.

okay thanks it gets confusing trying to figure out what kind of fish can be mix and what fish can't
i'll definitely be looking into online fish stores

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