Afia Has Finally Passed On


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I just noticed a few mins ago that she's finally lost the good fight and passed on.
She sure was a little fighter though. Poor girl :(

I didn't notice it before, but when I picked her up out of the tank, I could tell that she was just full of fluid. I could never tell if it was fluid or not in her b/c the light never reflected through her.
I think whatever she had Raj has now.
Hoping tetracycline will cure him... I can't lose another betta like this.

Anyways..... RIP my little oinkette.... RIP.....

A few pics to remember her..... she was always such a lively gal.



sorry to hear that :sad:

but i'm pretty sure that you gave her a good life :good:

maybe she RIP in fishy heaven! :wub:
I just noticed a few mins ago that she's finally lost the good fight and passed on.
She sure was a little fighter though. Poor girl :(

I didn't notice it before, but when I picked her up out of the tank, I could tell that she was just full of fluid. I could never tell if it was fluid or not in her b/c the light never reflected through her.
I think whatever she had Raj has now.
Hoping tetracycline will cure him... I can't lose another betta like this.

Anyways..... RIP my little oinkette.... RIP.....

A few pics to remember her..... she was always such a lively gal.



sorry to hear about the loss of your betta alwas sad to loose a friend no matter how small
Awww Rip beautiful girl!! Never forget shes moved on to that big rainbow pond in the sky now and she'll never forget everything thing that you did for her!
Thanks everyone.
She's been sick for about 2 weeks now so I've had to time grieve over her so when I finally saw that she had died, it wasn't too bad. I was just relieved that she wasn't suffering any longer.

I wish I could've euthanized her. I know that's weird to say, but I knew she wasn't going to make it. I just can not bring myself to do that though.

Anywho, she's been put outside in my tiny flower garden.
Sorry for your loss, she now lives in the Rainbow Pond. Was certainly beautiful.

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