afew questions about stocking


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
ok i have a question

i know that if you put a goldfish in a 5gal tank it will be stunted.....
but if i had a 100gallon tank and filled it with 200goldies will they be stunted from lack of space,weven though they have a big tank

im not going to try it.......just wondering. :blink:
I'd say no, but they won't have room to move. And they'd probably be dead before they could even think about growing, the waste would be enourmous.
germanshepherdlver said:
ok i have a question

i know that if you put a goldfish in a 5gal tank it will be stunted.....
but if i had a 100gallon tank and filled it with 200goldies will they be stunted from lack of space,weven though they have a big tank

im not going to try it.......just wondering. :blink:

Stunted wouldn't be the word. Don't foret they need to take oxygen from the water, and 200 fish competing for oxygen would result in very imminent death.
the simple amswer is yes

goldfish along with other coldwater fish emit a chemical which inhibits the growth of others within its environment so at least 50% or more would be stunted

the amount of waste from 200 fish ? :rofl: i wouldnt like to clean it out

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