Aereation in breeding tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2003
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Mesa Az
Ok heres the question. I have read different opinions on this in various books. When the fry are swimming is it ok to aereate with say an airstone just to get some movement in an otherwise ok tank. I have a film forming on the surface and have been using an airstone on and off. I am not sure how many fry I have, 10 maybe? Still too small to tell, I catch em swimming out of the corner of my eye. Any input on this appreciated.

Rick 8)
you can use a small filter,just cover the intake with a sponge so nobody gets sucked up,a little $10-15 cheapo should suffice

is the tank cycled? sometimes film means poor water quality,or it could be leftover from dad's bubble nest ,some surface agitation should get rid of it,make sure it doesn't get so thick that the babes can't gulp air without getting a mouthful of slime -_-

good luck to you & the babies :wub:

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