Aeration & BioWheel 170


Apr 25, 2004
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Dearborn Heights, MI (Near Detroit)
I've not had a tank without an airstone before! In fact, until about 2 days ago, I had a bubble wall in my 29-Tall. In redoing the Aquascape and changing the filter from a Whisper Power Filter to a BioWheel 170 (which filters up to a 50-Gal tank), we took out the bubble wall. The theory is that the BioWheel will provide enough surface agitation to not need the airstone/bubble wall.

Can anyone else tell me if I'm correct in my assumption or not? I've not noticed the fish gasping for air... I've only got 3 African Cichlids, an Eel and a Pleco in the tank right now, but should be adding 2-3 more fish (2 Catfish and possibly 1 more Cichlid) on Tuesday. If I should add an airstone, I'll pick one up while I'm out tomorrow.
You should be fine with the surface agitation from that and would only need a bubble wall or bubble stone for decorative purposes or making a current with the wall.
I agree with Teelie, you should be fine with the Biowheel 170. I have the 125 Penguin in a 29 tall with out any air stones... been good for a few months now with 3 Guramis, 2 guppys, 1 red tail shark, 2 zebra danios and a few shrimp...

The bio-wheel filter seems to make alot of surface agitation so no worries.

But because of the noise (trickeling water) and I only have a biowheel 125GPH on my 29 gal, I'm moving to the Hagen Aqua Clear 300gph, I heard only good things about it.. hope its quiter then my Penguin!!
Actually, I love the trickling water effect. Plus - withing having the tank in the front room, I can move the fountain into my bedroom. :) I find the sound of trickling water to be rather relaxing. B)
It was soothing for the first few weeks.. but on "those" days where everything just makes me upset (moody person here beware!) I can't enjoy starring at my fish with that noise lol...

<-- wierd

Besides 125GPH isn't enough filtration for my 29 gal ^_^, gives me another reason to shell out a lil more money for a bigger filter and feel better about my self haha

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