Advise Please


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2007
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Hi i am curruntley wanting to start an equarium with

5 male guppies
10 female guppies
2 tiger barbs
1 male betta
3 female bettas
7 tetras

what size tank would i need? also around how mutch for the fish heater and tank will it cost me in total thanks

Hi i am curruntley wanting to start an equarium with

5 male guppies
10 female guppies
2 tiger barbs
1 male betta
3 female bettas
7 tetras

what size tank would i need? also around how mutch for the fish heater and tank will it cost me in total thanks

well, where do you start! no betta expert but to put male and females together needs conditions but its best not to.
Male betta should be alone in a smallish tank.
Tiger barbs will go for any of the other fish
Male and female guppies to that amount will infest your tank with fry!

More research needed here :crazy:
OKay. I love all these fish. But, I don't think they will work together. First of all, tiger barbs should be kept in schools of 6+. Tiger barbs will go after anything with a long tail. So guppies and a male betta wouldn't work with tiger barbs. Another thing I see wrong is that male bettas will attack anything they think is another male betta. In this case I would fear for your guppies which would have the long colorful tails. And then also your guppies would most likely reproduce like crazy. But I guess if you didn't want to keep the fry you could just let them be eaten. Anyway, Those are the flaws I see in your plan. Sorry!
5 male guppies
10 female guppies
2 tiger barbs
1 male betta
3 female bettas
7 tetras

okay BAD choice sorry! you've got a few choices though,
either go with
dividing your tank into a few sections for a section for one male betta
or go with having a female sorority tank of either 1 or 5+ female bettas
or have guppies in your tank with your tetras -but having female/male guppies means LOTS of babies at first wee it's fun but after a while nonono.
or you can have your tank full of tiger barbs but in a school of them 6 or more to spread out aggresion,
sorry but you're choices weren't the greatest, perhaps search some more and ask again!
Yep, my LFS shop told me that you can't have barbs and bettas together, as the barbs would attack the betta. I have four male guppies, and a male betta, with no problems, but maybe I'm just lucky. I picked up each betta jar at the LFS and chose one that didn't seem to jumpy. I have five rummy nose tetras in the same tank, and I haven't had any trouble with those. Maybe you could consider some mollies or platys. I wouldn't get a bright yellow mollie though. It's the only one in the tank that my betta will lunge at from time to time. Without knowing if you're in the same country as me, it's hard advise re. prices. A trip to the local fish shop, or even eBay might give you an idea of what you'll need to pay.
This is a good list to put onto your fish keeping website your thinking of building as a typical bad list...

Tiger barbs dont get on with guppies and betta's
Male Betta's dont get on with guppies.
Male fighters chase females, but given enough space they are ok.
10 female guppies will resualt in a large number of fry each month. If a number survive then your tank will soon become over populated.

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