Advise On Stocklist?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
ashford, kent
been researching the fish i like and i have come up with this stocklist.can you tell me if these fish would be ok.
this is for a 125 litre tank dimentions 80x35x45 cm my ph is 7.6

10 cardinal tetras
2 bolivian rams
5 panda cory
1 red dwarf gourami or honey gourami
Seems good to me :)
i would add the cardinals last though as they tend to be more sensitive, not as sensitive as neons though.
in what order shall i add them?? as my tank should (hopefully) be cycled next weekend
I would add the bolivians first, let them settle in for about a week or 2, then add the corys, then the gourami and finally the Cardinals.
I'd swap out the Panda Corydoras (more of a sub-tropical) for another species that would love 25C, the minimum you need for Bolivian Rams. Personally, I would choose 8 Sterbai Corydoras (Julii/Trilineatus work too without costing the earth) and ditch the gourami, a larger catfish group act more natural and look superb moving like a flock of birds across the tank floor (I had 10 Sterbai and 11 Emerald Brochis in my Rio240 at one point).

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