Daniel to the salty side of the forum
We can help you with what you need for a salt water tank but it really will depend on what you want to keep and how big the tank is?
The tank you talked about is too small to keep anything but a dwarf hermit and if you have lighting some mushrooms.
However, if you go up to the bigger tank, as Ben suggested you can start to keep a pair of clowns and a couple of other smaller fish, along with hermits, shrimps etc. T8 lighting would mean you can keep some mushrooms and t5 means you could keep most soft corals and some a few hard corals. However, you may not want corals, you may or may not be planning on live rock as your filtration?
So, many questions
So, I will assume you want a reef set-up of approx 20/30litres
Refractometer to check sg of water
two power heads to give approx 15 x turn over round your rock
sand - aragonite
good magnet cleaner, blade is best
water container
spare heater and powerhead to heat and or mix salty water
salt or buy salted water
live rock
on a 20 gallon I would have a skimmer, but doesnt have to be a great big expensive one
phosphate remover
probably nitrate remover
test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphates, ph
So, hope that helps - what are you thinking?
Seffie x