Advice Very Much Needed


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
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I've just given away my red bellied Piranah to a good home and am looking at stocking their 260l tank with a community. I've already transfered 2 Angels and a BGK from another tank but am wondering what else to put in there. Due to inexperience with a the previous smaller community tank i also have 2 rams, 2 kribs (one of which can aggressive), 3 ghost cats and a few glowlight tetra. Generally there are no problems although I accept i may not have a perfectly balanced family and are prepared to get rid of some to make way for others.

I'm interested in oddballs such as a fire eel, sengal bichir, etc but also would like a colourful shoal such a rainbows.

as you can see I'm very much in need of some direction so many thanks in advance for any advice offered :good:

the tank has an external filter and has been set up for a couple of years, the water quality is good.
I've just given away my red bellied Piranah to a good home and am looking at stocking their 260l tank with a community. I've already transfered 2 Angels and a BGK from another tank but am wondering what else to put in there. Due to inexperience with a the previous smaller community tank i also have 2 rams, 2 kribs (one of which can aggressive), 3 ghost cats and a few glowlight tetra. Generally there are no problems although I accept i may not have a perfectly balanced family and are prepared to get rid of some to make way for others.

I'm interested in oddballs such as a fire eel, sengal bichir, etc but also would like a colourful shoal such a rainbows.

as you can see I'm very much in need of some direction so many thanks in advance for any advice offered :good:

the tank has an external filter and has been set up for a couple of years, the water quality is good.

Hi Cris
I think with the exception of your BGK who is going to get really big and eat the smaller fish, you're on for a really great community. I would imagine your kribs are either both male or 1 male, 1 female, in any case you can deal with the aggression by adding 3 females [if they are both male] or another female [if you have 1 male, 1 female already]
You can have certain oddballs together with your shoal of rainbows, you can increase the numbers of the ghost catfish and glowlite tetra also.
Thanks for the quick reply! do you think a fire eel or birchir would be ok in this set up? I really fancy soemthing a bit unusual, I dont mind too much if i loose the smaller fish.

I was also hoping for some type of catfish although I obviously need to be wary of too many bottom feeders.
I'm afraid I don't know anything fire eels but you could keep a senegal birchir in a 260l
I don't think you have too many bottom feeders and there are lots of great corydoras you could choose from, a shoal of 6 brochis perhaps?
Thanks, i was worried I had too much of a mismatch.

Think i may look into a fire eel a bit more and also consider some rainbows
i have a good little shoul of tinfoil barbs. as a shoul they look nice. they are a very friendly community fish and grow to about 12 inches. i recommend them
a shoal of tinfoil barb would need bigger than a 260litre at least 100gal for that

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