advice sought - fish dying


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Hi Folks

After losing my long finned zebra danio to ? Dropsy - I`ve now lost 2 silver mollies not the same symptoms - just start looking lethargic, hardly moving, then die.

My water parameters are fine Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5 ppm.

They are fed on a varied diet - live food (bloodworm), flake, and deshelled peas varies with days.

I`ve been putting melafix in since the ZD died - can anyone suggest a possible cause - I am leaning to the theory that there must be some form of infection going off - can anyone suggest a broad spectrum antibiotic that could be used in the tank to cover the rest of the fish (it`s my smaller 4 ft tank) - I live in the U.K. so it either needs to be LFS bought or from a local vet.

I am going through the same thing, though i havent lost any fish yet.
i have salted the tank to .2% and added interpet anti internal bacteria and it seems to do the trick.
You cant use salt though on scaleless fish.
Hi Folks

Update on this thread - the silver molly died about 30 minutes after posting - I`ve cleaned my fluval 4 (in tank water removed from the tank), trimmed the plants back and I`m keeping an eye on the other fish.
R.I.P. Sorry for your loss.

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