Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
County Down, Northern Ireland
Hi Folks,

To cut a long story short I bought a Jewel Rio 400 tank from a mate that kept a couple of large Oscar. He had a few catfish in this tank that came with it. They are as follows:
2 x Upside Down catfish (one 4", one 5")
3 x Striped Talking Catfish ( 4")
2 x Spotted Talking Catfish (about 4")
1 x Forked Tail Goldspot Pleco (about 8")

The Pleco is residing quite happily with a mixture of 4" Koi and Common/Comet Goldfish in another 5ft tank.

I have one other tank that has 3 small Dianema cats, L008 Pleco and a long finned Ancistrus, some small fancy goldfish and an Albino Red Tail Shark. The striped catfish are supposed to be kept in 26-28 I understand so these remaining catfish can't be kept in my two tanks at present.

I wish I could keep them but I haven't got the space to install that Rio 400 yet and won't have for some time. It was an opportunity to buy a good sized tank for a bargain price so I took it. It's a shame I can't keep them as I quite like the active upside down catfish in particular.

I have the catfish (minus the goldspot) housed in a 36" x 18" x 15" aquarium temporarily which i've borrowed from a friend. I will have to sell these on so what be a good price to sell them on for so I can recoup a little of the cost of the big tank and would be an attractive price for someone too? Can anyone please advise?
Tbh, you're unlikely to get anything for them, I'm afraid. Fish have very little resale value, unless they're very rare.
Ok, that's probably not what I wanted to hear but fair enough.

I want them to be re-homed to a good home but kinda worried as to what I should do with them if i'm stuck with them. :unsure:
Ok, that's probably not what I wanted to hear but fair enough.

I want them to be re-homed to a good home but kinda worried as to what I should do with them if i'm stuck with them. :unsure:

Since you're in NI you might have some luck using, you might be able to get money for the fish but you'll almost certainly be able to find a dedicated aquarist to take in your fish through that site.

p.s. I'm new here, I don't know if mods get mad about advertising sites--not trying to here, I just feel aquarist classifieds is a good place for UK area fish keepers to get together and buy/sell/trade/rehome stuff. Good part of the UK community etc.
Cheers,i'm glad you did as I never had heard of it tbh. As it happens i've got rid of one of the striped talking catfish and the spotted talking catfish too and have got some help with my LFS so they're taking 3-4 of them off my hands tomorrow too which is nice of them too and there seems to be another person texting me about them. Perhaps I got lucky this time. Will see wht happens over this next week or two.

Will take a look at that site cheers.

Oh, and I forgot to say. I'm keeping the Pleco in my 5ft tank with my Koi, common/Comet goldfish and the two Blue Crayfish which all seem to get along ok. really like the forked tail, never seen one like that before.

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