Fish Fanatic
Hi Folks,
To cut a long story short I bought a Jewel Rio 400 tank from a mate that kept a couple of large Oscar. He had a few catfish in this tank that came with it. They are as follows:
2 x Upside Down catfish (one 4", one 5")
3 x Striped Talking Catfish ( 4")
2 x Spotted Talking Catfish (about 4")
1 x Forked Tail Goldspot Pleco (about 8")
The Pleco is residing quite happily with a mixture of 4" Koi and Common/Comet Goldfish in another 5ft tank.
I have one other tank that has 3 small Dianema cats, L008 Pleco and a long finned Ancistrus, some small fancy goldfish and an Albino Red Tail Shark. The striped catfish are supposed to be kept in 26-28 I understand so these remaining catfish can't be kept in my two tanks at present.
I wish I could keep them but I haven't got the space to install that Rio 400 yet and won't have for some time. It was an opportunity to buy a good sized tank for a bargain price so I took it. It's a shame I can't keep them as I quite like the active upside down catfish in particular.
I have the catfish (minus the goldspot) housed in a 36" x 18" x 15" aquarium temporarily which i've borrowed from a friend. I will have to sell these on so what be a good price to sell them on for so I can recoup a little of the cost of the big tank and would be an attractive price for someone too? Can anyone please advise?
To cut a long story short I bought a Jewel Rio 400 tank from a mate that kept a couple of large Oscar. He had a few catfish in this tank that came with it. They are as follows:
2 x Upside Down catfish (one 4", one 5")
3 x Striped Talking Catfish ( 4")
2 x Spotted Talking Catfish (about 4")
1 x Forked Tail Goldspot Pleco (about 8")
The Pleco is residing quite happily with a mixture of 4" Koi and Common/Comet Goldfish in another 5ft tank.
I have one other tank that has 3 small Dianema cats, L008 Pleco and a long finned Ancistrus, some small fancy goldfish and an Albino Red Tail Shark. The striped catfish are supposed to be kept in 26-28 I understand so these remaining catfish can't be kept in my two tanks at present.
I wish I could keep them but I haven't got the space to install that Rio 400 yet and won't have for some time. It was an opportunity to buy a good sized tank for a bargain price so I took it. It's a shame I can't keep them as I quite like the active upside down catfish in particular.
I have the catfish (minus the goldspot) housed in a 36" x 18" x 15" aquarium temporarily which i've borrowed from a friend. I will have to sell these on so what be a good price to sell them on for so I can recoup a little of the cost of the big tank and would be an attractive price for someone too? Can anyone please advise?