Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2005
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Hi all

First post in a while, and first in this section - so am looking for some advice

Have just rehoused (about a month ago really) my nephew's two goldfish (about 4/5 inches just now) into a 36*12*18 tank, ~25gallon (UK) see pic below. When they outgrow this, my brother has a pond in his garden with goldfish in that so its off to that.

ph is steady at 7, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite 0. temp a bit high as 22, but can't seem to get it down.

Filter is a Fluval 3+, and have a spare Fulval 2+ if needed, water changes are about 20/30 L weekly

So here are the questions is there anything else I cold put in the tank e.g weather, hillstream loachs etc and what if any are a good type of real plant for this tank.

Thanks in advance
Well i have 1 silver shark and 1 columbian shark and 2 gouramis and a common pleco. They are living gr8. They have been together for about 2 month and they are living happy.
The tank is over stocked now as they are still growing and need more room to stop them being stunted. If you can then it would be good to put the fish in a pond next month sometime once the weather starts heating up.

If you want to keep more goldies then you could try a couple of fantail types and a couple of weather loaches.
For live plants in a goldfish tank, you're going to want to aim for something with fairly tough, wide leaves, so that the fish don't just rip them to bits. Some varieties that you could try are:

Amazon Sword
Java Fern
Umbrella Plant

If you don't mind your fish chomping on your plants, Anacharis is always a popular choice. I give mine Duckweed from one of my tropical tanks.
Thanks for the responses,

think i'll go with black angels advice and move them over to brothers pond sooner rather than later

Again thanks

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