Advice Please?


New Member
May 14, 2006
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Hey, ok my boyfriend is pretty big into fish but not bettas, he has a 55 gallon with convicts, and parrots and a big ole pleco. Well I gave him a cute little VT girl for his b-day this year and he kept her in a cute little 2 gallon where she was always quite happy. Well one day when he wasn't home his little sister decided that the betta looked lonely and put her in the 55 gallon!! Well when my boyfriend got home he found the poor little girl hide in a cave barely moving with all of her fins completely gone!! He gave her to be to nurse since I have more time than he does. So what should I do for her?? Shes in a 1 gallon so she doesn't have to move around too much! I added a small amount of salt to the water and made sure it was sparling clean. Anything else I can do?? Thank you!
Yes salt is good for shock and stress after the ordeal, good luck.
Poor little girl, yes as said salt and super clean water should do wonders. Just keep an eye out for infection but salt and clean water should keep that at bay.

I rescued 2 boys recently from lfs with no fins and they are doing great with that regime, happy little souls and blowing me bubblenests



Good luck with your little girl :good:
^^^^Poor lil' guys, you should do a before and after pic when they are all healed up.
(Sorry for the hijack)
O, poor girl. It all depends on how bad her fins are, and how traumatized she is. First, keep her tank extremely clean to keep the bacteria at bay (keep her in her own tank until she's fully recovered--don't want other fish attacking her). Salt will help but if her fins were nipped down to the skinline, and if she took any nips to her skin, she can easily have gotten a nasty infection that will spread, and salt may not be enough. I'm not an advocate of Melafix since I've had enough fish that do not react well to the stuff, even had a few die, and since there is other stuff to use, I don't use Melafix. If the fins are seriously bitten, not just slightly tattered, use an antibiotic (Maracyn 1 with 2 is good and will cover the spectrum of types of bacteria) and follow the whole treatment course recommended on the box/bottle. Keep her water clean clean clean and warm. Keep her away from other fish. No bright lights. It'll take awhile for her to recover, if she is going to recover.

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