Advice on salt


Fish Fanatic
Aug 28, 2004
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Hiya, I cycled my tank and the levels stayed on 0 for over a week so i added two fan tailed goldfish but since then just my nitrite level has gone up again, they have gone down slightly but im worried about the effect it might have on my fish if it continues to stay like this. I was reading up on using aquarium salt to stop the fish taking the nitrite in, has anyone else tried this and did it help??? Any advice on dos and don'ts so anything else i can do?

Any help would be appreciated as i'm pretty new to this!
Best way to go about protecting your fish from nitrite, nitrates, to keep the levels in the tank as low as possible at all time. By adding salt you aren't solving the original problem. How often do you do water changes? A few small regular water changes should bring levels down and you can then stick to a regular water change system to keep everything ok. :)
I have been doing 30% water changes daily and then yesterday i did a 80% as advised by my lfs i have to say the levels have gone right down to 0.3 now but i was also advised by my lfs to buy some ammo lock instead of salt (which was same price) said that even though the ammonia was at 0 it would help with my nitrite levels, not sure how true this is although since i added it the levels have gone right down!?
:D hi stagette. i use aqualibrium for my fish. its a physiological salt (thats what it says on the packet anyways). at 0.1% strength will help the fishes immune system to control disease. it will help with ph swings, and at .3% help stress and reduce the effect of toxic waste products like can also be used at a much stronger dose in helping fight diseases.
Thats the stuff i think i was going to get (not sure not good on names) but was advised that it wouldn't really help with nitrites so i got the ammo lock that he said would work! So far so good as the levels have dropped to only 0.3 now just hoping them drop now to 0 in next few days. I was worried about ione of my fish as it seemed lethargic last two days but its perked up today and is back to its normal self. Do you think i should still add any salt or leave it now???
If your levels have lowered and are staying in check then there is no need to add the salt. :)

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