Advice On Protein Skimmer


New Member
Jul 22, 2006
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I have a 90 gallon, saltwater fish with Live Rock in it. I have 2 Ehiem 2217, and a 3x 9w turbo twist UV light, but I want to add a protein skimmer. My problem is that my tank is only an inch and a half from the wall, because I needed to rest the tank's weight on the main beem which runs across the room. Now that I am looking into skimmers online, I am only seeing products that hang on the back of the tank. I have a canopy on the top of the tank which also makes it difficult to hang it off the side as well.
Any advice is welcomed.
Thank You

I have a 90 gallon, saltwater fish with Live Rock in it. I have 2 Ehiem 2217, and a 3x 9w turbo twist UV light, but I want to add a protein skimmer. My problem is that my tank is only an inch and a half from the wall, because I needed to rest the tank's weight on the main beem which runs across the room. Now that I am looking into skimmers online, I am only seeing products that hang on the back of the tank. I have a canopy on the top of the tank which also makes it difficult to hang it off the side as well.
Any advice is welcomed.
Thank You

I have a 75 gallon saltwater and have been looking at a protein scimmer also. I have found several that they say will work in a sump filter. I also have my tank against a wall and I just don't want to have a big box hanging of the side of my tank. I have a big sump fliter under my tank, so that's what I'm looking for. Just look for one like that if you have a sump. Good luck.
If you don't mind spending money, then the Eheim range of DOC skimmers will work sitting in the tank or in a sump and are regarded as very good, matching the performance of far larger and more unsightly deltecs.
who says HOB have to be on the back why not put it on the side? may be a little unsightly but spose its preferance whether you want it in the tank or out

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