Advice On Powerheads?

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Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
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Leicester, England
I am getting a new Rio 180 this week and was just wondering whether it would be worth adding an additional powerhead to increase water flow or does it all depend on the fish that I am stocking?

I am definately going to be having a couple or 3 shoals of corys and there will be 2 or 3 plecs/peckoltia of about 5" or so plus the usual candidates in middle of tank, tetras etc. I am also thinking of going for either Danios or Hatchet fish for the top of the tank. I know the hatchets have a jumping tendency but I do like them a lot!! I had danios in the past in a much smaller tank and I think they will also look cool in a bigger group in my new larger tank.
Think the danios will def enjoy the water movement - mine certainly do.

Since the corys will probably be at the bottom most of the time I guess they won't be bothered either way - assuming powerhead is near the surface.

Can't comment on hatchets from experience as never had them but always seem very sedentary to me in LFS. Probably prefer quieter water?

If you go for tettras do have a look at rummynose tetras - fantastic shoaling fish - very impressive whizzing round in a tight shoal.

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