Advice On Gouramis

silver tipped

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
New milton, Hampshire

I have read all the pinned topics plus gone through past threads but I thought I would just ask for opinions on gouramis before I purchase one.

I am thinking of either Honey Gouramis OR Dwarf Gouramis.

I already have silver tipped tetras and Dwarf neon rainbows. Will they all get on?

I have been told that honey's get to 1.5" and Dwarfs to 2". Is this true?

I have read that males fight if kept together and if kept in groups, it should be 1 male to 2 females but could I keep one gourami on its own or is this cruel?

If I can keep one on its own should it be male or female? Or is it just perference?

I think that it all for now. Thanks for advice.

PS It is a 15 uk gallon tank, well planted with hidey holes.
Come on someone must have some advice/opinions.

What I don't want to happen is to buy the gouramis based on my own thoughts and then get slated on here cos I did it wrong. So please help me.
Hello Rebecca
I am by no means a gourami expert, (this is from my experience) but you should have no problems with the rainbow fish and the gourami’s, I have no ideas about the silver tipped tetras. Dwarf gourami’s do fine on there own if you want more than one you should go with on male and two females. How many of each fish do you currently have in your tank? Depending on your stocking level you may have to go with one gourami. The sizes for the two gourami’s you are thinking about are right.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have done a little more reasearch of my own and I feel that the tetras will be ok.

I currently for 18" of fish in my tank and I can comfortably have 24". I am toying with the idea of getting some ember tetras but they only grow to 0.8" so I could have a shoal of them and still have room for a gourami. OR I could have 3 Gourami's but I have had friends who have had to re-home theirs due to them being aggressive.

Many thanks for your advice
I have one female pearl gourami on her own in a community tank, and she gets on very well with the other tetras and harlequins.


Fin nipping may be a slight broblem amongst gourami if there are 2 males etc. but they should be fine with the other fish (especially so if they are bought very small).
How many tetras/rainbows do you have in there so far?

Personally I would only get 1 gourami. I'd probably go with a dwarf gourami. Powder blues are nice, as are flames. Honey gouramis aren't very colorful, and kind of small and boring (in my opinion).

Actually I have decided against gouramis in my community tank. I might wait until I can get a bigger tank and then maybe I can get a few sifferent sorts but thanks for all your help.
Personally I would only get 1 gourami. I'd probably go with a dwarf gourami. Powder blues are nice, as are flames. Honey gouramis aren't very colorful, and kind of small and boring (in my opinion).

Hi Rebecca

I know you don't need this advice anymore but I just wanted to leap to the defence of honey gouramis. :D

I have four (two of which are golden ones) and they are beautiful and a much nicer shape than dwarfs (though admittedly not so showy). When the males are happy they are quite colourful. I think you need to keep them in pairs of opposite sex. When I had two males they fought.
Hey i have had dwarf and honey gouramis, and i have had no trouble with them, the honey ones are very timid and like to hide, i had a pair, what i presume were male and female and they were no trouble with my other fish such as tetras and guppies, they like to hide and like company, probably two females would be nice, do not get kissing gouramis as they grow very large and fight with each other. Make sure if you get honey or dwarf ones you get at least two as they like the company, but a very good community fish!

hope this helps


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