Advice On Getting Rummy Nose Tetras

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

Got a communal tank and looking to get some Rummy Noses. I've been put off before as we live in a hard water area and all the info I've read point to Rummys doing best in soft water. And I'm not gonna mess with my parameters.

But I'm weakening day by day as they look so cool and they would go great in my community tank which is thriving with X Ray tetras and blue tetras amongst others.

The LFS told me they would be fine even in hard water - the red might fade in the first few days as they adjust but then they should be back to their normal colours.

Anyone advise me on whether they would be OK in hard water regardless of what Mr LFS says? I dont want to get them only for them to suffer due to my water......

Cheers friends
if your lfs has the same water supplier and they are keeping rummynoses then I see no problem
for you to do the same.

I would ask the lfs to tell you their water params, especially pH and GH and see if your's is a close match.
also ask them how long their stock has been in. less than a week I'd wait before buying them.
Thanks Wolf - but I know the LFS water is soft water :sad:

Still thinkin about it. Maybe Glowlights instead but they also prefer the water softish... -_-

Not sure what else to go for that would look good. I still want a Tetra (not Neons tho) but with a bit of colour to compliment the Blues, Xrays and Black Phantoms...
Thanks Wolf - but I know the LFS water is soft water :sad:

Still thinkin about it. Maybe Glowlights instead but they also prefer the water softish... -_-

Not sure what else to go for that would look good. I still want a Tetra (not Neons tho) but with a bit of colour to compliment the Blues, Xrays and Black Phantoms...

Not a tetra this, but if you like the rummy nose effect, have you thought about the Asian rummy nose, sawbwa resplendens? Have no personal experience but believe they are happy with harder water.

Or (getting even less tetra-like now) thinking of the colour effect, how about a group of male endlers? They would certainly add a splash of colour anyway.
Thanks for this - the asian rummy noses look pretty cool.

Might do a bit of research into them to check they will fit in OK.

dont look to good - cant find any mention of the Asian rummy noses in my various books which might lead me to think that they will be tough to find in the shops...

look for the scientific name sawbwa resplendens
also try some of the other common names
Naked rasbora, Rummynose rasbora, Naked Micro Rasbora, Sawbwa Barb

TBH I've only ever seen these twice so they are not that common.
a good lfs should be able to get them for you but it may take some time.
Yep Wolf ur right. Wildwoods in Enfield said they get them now and again but not too often.

Said only way would be to ring up each week to see if they come in on a delivery...


Might take a while...
i had soem rummy nose they r quite nice looking fish liek a torpedo shape but they r a bit silly they swim against the current of the internal filter and then they hang around the suction bits at the bottom and eventually they get sucked in i have a group of 6 after 1 month i had 1 left they all got sucked into the filter
i kept them ina tank full of different tetras none of the other tetras did that

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