Advice on compatible fish


New Member
Nov 28, 2024
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Hi 😊

I added fish to my tank about 6 weeks ago now and I am officially obsessed. After a dramatic outbreak of white spot in the first week I had almost given up (lost all 6 cardinal tetras and clown pleco badly affected) however the tank has now stabilised, cycled and all fish active and eating well.

I am looking to add some more middle dwelling fish after the loss of the tetras and wondered if anyone could recommend a peaceful fish species that would suit the next tank. Ideally not tetras as I’m slightly traumatised. After my white spot incident, all future fish will be quarantined before addition and I will be moving my current fish to a bigger tank in the new year before the adding anymore.

I currently have the clown pleco and 3 panda corys and I want to add a 4th Cory. All fish are currently very little (hence the move to a bigger tank as they grow). Water temp is 23 degrees, ph 7 and I come from an area of hard water so ideally future fish would be ok in relatively similar conditions. Any advice on moving existing fish to a new tank would be also much appreciated!
Hi 😊

I added fish to my tank about 6 weeks ago now and I am officially obsessed. After a dramatic outbreak of white spot in the first week I had almost given up (lost all 6 cardinal tetras and clown pleco badly affected) however the tank has now stabilised, cycled and all fish active and eating well.

I am looking to add some more middle dwelling fish after the loss of the tetras and wondered if anyone could recommend a peaceful fish species that would suit the next tank. Ideally not tetras as I’m slightly traumatised. After my white spot incident, all future fish will be quarantined before addition and I will be moving my current fish to a bigger tank in the new year before the adding anymore.

I currently have the clown pleco and 3 panda corys and I want to add a 4th Cory. All fish are currently very little (hence the move to a bigger tank as they grow). Water temp is 23 degrees, ph 7 and I come from an area of hard water so ideally future fish would be ok in relatively similar conditions. Any advice on moving existing fish to a new tank would be also much appreciated!
Edit to say medium hardness of water as per the water company
What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)?

What is the GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness) and pH of your water supply in numbers?
This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website (Water Analysis Report) or by telephoning them. If they can't help you, take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and get them to test it for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the tests. And ask them what the results are in (eg: ppm, dGH, or something else).
I love corys & think they need at least 6, preferably more of the same species to be happy.

I also like rasboras as schooling fish rather than tetras There are several species depending on your tank size. Traditional harlequins or similar espei. Also red tailed rasboras, or tiny boraras of a few species.
Tank size now, not in the future, is important. Ill give a contrary view to what's above. With Cory group cats, I would stay South American and go with tetras. Asian fish are nice, but I like my tanks to reflect geography. It's not a rule or anything - just a thought.

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