Jazee B
Fish Fanatic
Hi everyone,
I was hoping for a little advice, I'm new to keeping fish and at present I'm researching my fish whilst completing a fishless cycle.
I have a Juwel Rekord 96, 81x31x46 96litres.
I have my heart set on 2 clown plecos and thinking of 6 rummy nose tetras and possibly a couple of platys. I understand I have to go by the 1 inch per gallon rule but when adding the inches do I use fully grown 5inches for the plecs? Would they be happy in my size tank? I have some bogwood in the tank ready for them. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks
I was hoping for a little advice, I'm new to keeping fish and at present I'm researching my fish whilst completing a fishless cycle.
I have a Juwel Rekord 96, 81x31x46 96litres.
I have my heart set on 2 clown plecos and thinking of 6 rummy nose tetras and possibly a couple of platys. I understand I have to go by the 1 inch per gallon rule but when adding the inches do I use fully grown 5inches for the plecs? Would they be happy in my size tank? I have some bogwood in the tank ready for them. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks