Advice on cichlids!


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hi all-

I just have a quick question. Does anyone know the actual names of the cichlids that are always kept in the same tank at the LFS and called "african Cichlids? They are always yellow with stripes down the length of their bodies, purple, all orange, and sometimes blue.

My LFS said i could keep 4 of these in a ten gallon. Is this true? as it doesn't sound right.

If i were to get 4 and they grew too big I could always add them to my 30 gallon or my 55 gallon when I get it.

I just think they are gorgeous fish and would look extremely awesome in my new 10 gallon.

Please Help! Thanks :D
Hi Nina

No, there is absolutely no way you can get those fish into a 10 gallon. A 30 gallon is the smallest I would ever recommend for mbuna, and even with that size you are limited to what species you can get and must take care.

If the fish are not labled by name then I can only suggest that you try to find a better store for Africans. Purchasing these fish without knowing what you are buying and doing some research on them first will more likely then not lead to problems, and judging by the stocking advice you got this store does not know much about them.

Before diving into mbuna I highly reccomend doing research first. I'd also recommend not mixing them into your existing 30 gallon. If you are interested in getting into these fish then the best thing you can do is donate your new 55 gallon to the cause and make it an african specific tank and as I mentioned, learn as much as you can before you even begin.

We're here to help though . :)
Hi cichlidaddict,

Thanks for the advice! I thought four was way too many for a 10 gallon, but i thought i would double check.

As for the african only tank- do you think the 30 gallon would be alright, for this. I am getting the 55 gallon for my bala's have they have grown quit large, so my 30 gallon will be completely empty.

Thanks again for the advice! and let me know what you think about the 30 gallon. ;)
A 30 gallon can work fine, but it is very important that you stick to the less aggressive varieties - and this means knowing exactly what fish you are buying ;)
im getting a another 30 gal and want africans can u mix lake malawi and lake tanganyika?? there a few small ones i like the... Lamprologus leleupi ( lake.T) the Pseudotrophus socolofi and the Labidochromis Zebrodes ( lake. M) do these go well together in that tank??
Im sure my Lfs had them in a tank on display (and it is a reilable store) and i cant see why, surely they have the same water requirements.
Hi Nina,

I have a 20gal tank I had 8 Chiclids. I am left with 2 as they have grown to be pretty big and very aggresive. As ChiclidMaster said they will not last in a 10 or even 30 gal. unless you get some shell dwellers or a pair of Rams. I had a really bad experience and I am to the point were I have to bring my chiclids back to LFS before my electric blue and Zebra just fight to death for the tank. IMO I wouldn't go smaller than a 50gal. I really like Cichlids but I will have to wait to enjoy Cichlids again since I don't have the space for a bigger tank...

Hope this will help you in your decission! :huh:
Hi wildfire,

I am sorry to hear you had soo much trouble with yours. :sad: I don't know how i did it, but awhile back i had 6 cichlids in a 10gallon, now this was when i was like 10 years old, and would never do that again, but i dont know how they survived!

Thanks for your opinion. I think I wont go with the cichlids even for the 30 gallon, as when i first set it up (4 years ago) I tried putting in 3 convicts and 1 texas. Lets just say I only have one convict left.

So I'll probably just keep enjoying her and not get anymore.
if this forum has taught me anything, (and it has) it's that different people have different experiences. listen to what TCA has to say and research the fish first, i'm sure you'll be able to find at least one cichlid out of the many hundred's of species there are that you like and is small/peaceful enough for your aquarium.
GOOD POINT! I'll let everyone know what i decide to do, since it wont be for another month or so anyways.......and I definately research all the fish i want to buy before i buy them! That way there are no surprises!
Here is a scene from my very successful 30 gallon african aquarium:

I can be done, I guarantee it, but the right fish must be chosen.

nick, the main reason why it's not a good idea to mix lakes is the very different behavioral differences. It can certainly be done, but only if you know what you are doing. In some extreme cases a bad mix can lead to fatalities, but otherwise you can still easily end up with stressed fish due to improper tankmate selection. Despite having a good idea as to what can be mixed I still don't. Each lake has enough choice of cichlids to make a full aquarium without having to mix anyway!
I also bought 2 "african cichlids" from my lfs. That is what they were labeled on the tank. I bought the solid yellow one (just like the top left one in cichlidaddicts pic above) and the light cobalt blue one with the pale verticle stripes. I put them together in a temporary 10 gallon tank while our other one is cycling and they did not get along. The blue one chased the yellow around the tank constantly. I had to separate them. When I get them moved into the 55-gallon I'll probably still separate them by putting up a tank divider.
hmmmmmm......sounds like it all depends on the tp of fish you buy. After reading up ALOT! on the different species, I've decided to give it a try. Alot of the articles I read, said that as long as there are lots of hiding places and water quality and feedings are good, then they should be able to live peacefully. Alot of them also said, that if you buy them as babies and they are all put in the same tank together at the same time, that they will claim their territories and as long as you don't rearrange the tank that they will be fine. We'll see how it goes! I always have the option of seperating them if it doesn't work out!

Thanks for all the advice....and cichlid addict: YOUR FISH ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! :wub:- By the way what did you use for a substrate? Is that crushed coral?!?!
Nina I put my 2 african cichlids in the 55-gallon this weekend and had to separate them with the tank divider. The blue one chased the yellow one around constantly. I made several caves and there are plenty of hiding places but the blue one would seek out the yellow one and chase it around :sly:

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