Advice On Aquascape Or Lack Of It


Fish Crazy
Jul 29, 2012
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Hi this is my first planted tank

Not the best i know im after advice on improving it the plants floating in the top left i think they are pondweed i may be wrong having trouble with them as the have no roots and get uprooted

I feel it lacks any stand out features all help appreciated
Yes, I see what you mean, although it's a good start.

The 'pond plant' looks to be elodea (or Egeria is it's more properly called) and it can be difficult to keep planted at first. You might need to pile some larger pebbles around the base of it, but it will always have a tendency to float off.

I think what you need is to add some height; a nice piece of bogwood might be a good choice for that. Place it roughly one third of the way along your tank, as that way it'll look more natural and pleasing to the eye.

Then the planting; plants in the wild tend to grow in clumps rather than spread out in a row as you've got yours, especially the vallis so that might help too.

It'll look much better when the plants have settled in and grown more anyway. A backing on the tank might also help; it makes the fish feel more secure too, as most fish hug the banks of the rivers where they live.
Hi, think you need a center piece,and some wood perhaps,it doesn't look that bad to me,here's mine
Thanks for the advice will putting the vallis to the right around the filter affect the filter or damage the vallis

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