Advice on a 10-15 gal


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Devon, U.K.
Hi, I know I don't have a lot of scope here, but I'd really like something interesting to go into a 10, maybe 15 gallon tank if I can stretch it with my landlord, it depends what anyone would consider to be a "small" fish tank really ;)

Does anyone have any ideas? If no-one can think of anything interesting that can go into a tank that size I was thinking a group of green neons.

EDIT: Ideally I wanted something a bit more challenging with a bit more character than this so suggestions please!
Yeah I was thinking I'd like a pair of gouramis, but I was thinking pearl gouramis though I've never had chocolate ones before so I could give them a try if the tank isn't big enough for pearls :D
Actually that's interesting I've never thought about those, do you think I'd be ok with a few in a tank that small?

It'll be nice to move away from the community tank domain that I'm so used to ;)
In my 10g, I have a pair of Blue Rams and 5 neon tetras and could spend hours just sitting there and watching them! I love this tank!

If I had a 15g instead of a 10g, I might add a trio of small cory cats to the tank, but I also might just make it a bigger school of tetras.
Wow I have more choice than I thought :cool: I expected people to say "nah not much you can do with a 10gal," but it seems I'm spoilt for choice :D
With puffers, I know you have to keep their beaks ground down or clip them. Is this difficult? And how is it done, I just looked at a website that suggested feeding them snails for this purpose.
Great, thanks P.T. and everyone else for being so helpful. I'll let you all know how I get on but it won't be til I'm back at uni in September that I actually get the tank. I have some gravel from my other tank still so I shouldn't have to spend too much time cycling. :thumbs:

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