advice needed


New Member
Apr 10, 2005
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hello my border collie wont put on weight hes quite skinny iv tried him on loads of food including eukanuba hes so fussy iv managed to get him to eat pal compleat dry food but hes been on it for about 3 mounths and no diffrence in weight he is a verry hectic dog dont stop running round all day plz help me to get him to gain weight :D
Have you taken him to the vet? It could be worms if you haven't had him checked. If you have had him checked by a vet (which is what you should do first so you can rule out any medical reasons) then you can try him on can food. Get something that you would eat if it was made for humans. I'm not sure where you are located but kibbles and bits makes pretty good canned dog food and most dogs love it. Purina is also great (canned food). You would be feeding one can mixed with dry food so the dog can have the best of both things. This feeding would be twice a day or depending on the weight of your dog.
a friend of mine has a similar problem. her eldest dog is stocky but the younger dog has always been so skinny that you could feel her backbone and ribs (shes 4 now). Her collie is always on the go too and never lies still. didnt matter what she fed her she was always rake thin. took her to the vet in the end and he said some collies genetic makeup made them skinny.
take her to the vet though as suggested just to rule anything else out.
To deworm her with the stuff they sell at the stores you would still have to take her to the vet. It is not recommended that you medicate her if you're not sure if she has any. I would definately take her to the vet and I'm sure it's safer to let them deworm her.
he is wormed on a regular bases and i worm him with drontel witch is wat the vet gives you at our vets its definatly not worms he wont eat tinned food only likes dry he is so fussy
Then I would say he's just like that. As someone else already mentioned, some dogs are just genetically skinny. If it were my dog, I would just spoil him with treats (not to the point of making him sick but just enough). ;)
How old is he? One of the collies I had when I was a kid was really skinny until he got to be around 3 years old. He had a high energy level and metabolism, and he looked underweight for a couple years. I'd be careful of using extra treats unless you are sure they are healthy. Some of those dog treats sold in stores are the equivalent of candy bars for humans. Ok for an occasional treat but very unhealthy to give large amounts of. You can bulk up a bit adding fresh meats, eggs, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, etc to supplement his food to help. Good luck!
i think he is just a skinny dog he always eating treats every sunday he has a roast dinner with me and my partner ha has spaghitti bolanase whith us on a monday to he is 1 year old maby when he gets a bit older he will fill out a bit thank you all for ur help i will take him to the vets just to make sure all is healthy but he did go not to long ago and they said he the right weight of a dog of his breed but personly i think they always have ther dogs a bit skinny that id like em :crazy:
Ah, if he's still only 1, I'd say it's probably youth and high metabolism. Vet check is good to be on the safe side. I imagine he'll fill out more when he matures :)
I have a bearded collie and she is exactly the same, she is almost 3 and has always been skinny.....Ive got a dalmation aswell who is the exact oposite and needs to have her food measured out because otherwise she eats anything and everything.......once she has finished her dinner she has to be kept in the living room with me until the collie and the cats have finished otherwise she runs about the kitchen like Pac-Man!

Unless the dog is very very skinny and is wormed regularly with proper wormer (not the useless stuff you get in pet shops) then I wouldnt worry and if the dog is active as all collies are I dont think you should worry.

Is she sick very much?
I would agree with Haiku on feeding her some fresh food. I've heard dogs LOVE eggs and I'm sure they love everything else Haiku mentioned.
I'm sure she'll be fine if you don't decide to feed her all that but if you really want to see if she'll gain some. She probably has way too much energy and that's why she's like that.

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