Advice Needed


Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Indiana USA
Ok I have a problem. I know my fish tank is over populated but I need help on resolving the problem. Here was what I was thinking about doing...can anyone pretty much tell me what to about this...??????

Here is my situation...

I am a Senior in high school and right now I don't have a job. I am currently trying to figure out what I am going to do about college before I get a job so the process will be easier for me. I live with my Fiance', Christopher and he is going to go to college in the fall as well. He just got a new job but it only pays like $7.50/hour and we have lots of bills to catch up on so we are in a bad financial situtation. I should be gettting around $75.00 soon for my tax return and I planned on spending it on my fish.

The first thing I want to do is get a small maybe 2.5 gallon aquarium for my Firebelly newt because he needs to be able to have some land so I have a floating island that I could use in it (The newt is currently living with all my other fish...not good) I also want to get him a mate so he's not lonely but that may be in time.

I have a small 1 gallon tank for my male Betta.

Then I need to decide what I am going to do with the rest of my money.... I know I need to get a water tester kit because (DON'T FREAK OUT!!) I don't have one now. But appearantly everything is ok because I've had this 10 gallon aquarium since September and I've been adding fish since then. All the fish I have now I've had for at least a month but they are all still babies. I also have an Albino African Clawed Frog that I need to do something with because he is in the tank with everything else including my African Dwarf Frog which I heard when the AFC gets bigger he will possibly eat my ADF and some smaller fish. I need to act on that ASAP! What should I do?? I want to get another biggger tank for my fish so I can split them up but again... I am limited on money. I am in desperate need of advice... I will answer any questions to help aid in figuring this out. PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!
I can empathize with your situation. You need to get the most bang for your buck. Try yard sales/flea markets/for sale section of paper etc. you can sometimes get great deals on entire setups. You have to be careful and test each aquarium at the site to see if it leaks or not. I have picked up a 100 galon tank complete for 65 dollars. so the deals are there but as i said be careful. Also you may have to consider parting with some of the fish. Take them back to the lfs and see if youcan get store credit or swap for one of the other things that you need. I know that would not be pleasant but hard times require that we sometimes make choices not inour interest but in the interest of the fish.
Good Luck and hope it all works out for you :)
Hi Leapfrog,
The first thing you need to give top priority to is your financial situation. Then you need to keep track of those pesky bills, especially the unexpected ones that suddenly hit you hard when you least expect it and when you are broke. Then you need to feed youselves and your existing pets.
Then finally, if you still have any money left after all that, you can spend it on your hobby.
Seriously though I would not consider anything else at the moment, unless you have parents that will suport you through college financially and you know you have money to spare. I personally don't know of many college grads. that have much to spare after they need to buy essentials.
You don't want to get into debt before you've began life.
Once you're in debt you'll never get out and if it's just for the sake of some amphibs. and fish because you want something to admire, then I think you need to reaffirm what it is you are looking for in life.
Hey there,
Sorry to hear you are in such a tight spot. Trust me I know how you felt not to long ago. and sometimes still.

My suggestion would be to return some of your fish and use that credit towards the supplies that you need for your other fish. Here are my reasons:

- Return the followingfish:

1) Bala shark- a bala shark is far tooooooo big for a 10 gallon tank. I have two that were in my 30 gallon and I had to buy a 55 gallon because the got too big. Now i am looking into a 180 gallon because they are still too large for my 55 gallon. Also they are schooling fish and need a friend. A ten gallon is far too small.
2) Both the kissing guoramis. These too get way too BIG for a 10 gallon. I believe Anastasia on this forum has one that is 9" long. It wont be long before they start to get aggressive either.
3) Common Pleco- these fish can reach 2 feet in length. and are extremely messy! your oto should be fine with the cleaning up of algae.
4) Barbs- they like to be in schools, are fin nippers, and need lots of swimming space.
5) african clawed frog- their mean little suckers and you already have a dwarf so he should be enough :D

These are just my opionions. But i would seriously think about it. This way your fish will be happier and so wont your pocket.

Good Luck with everything!
Dragonslair said:
Hi Leapfrog,
The first thing you need to give top priority to is your financial situation. Then you need to keep track of those pesky bills, especially the unexpected ones that suddenly hit you hard when you least expect it and when you are broke. Then you need to feed youselves and your existing pets.
Then finally, if you still have any money left after all that, you can spend it on your hobby.
Seriously though I would not consider anything else at the moment, unless you have parents that will suport you through college financially and you know you have money to spare. I personally don't know of many college grads. that have much to spare after they need to buy essentials.
You don't want to get into debt before you've began life.
Once you're in debt you'll never get out and if it's just for the sake of some amphibs. and fish because you want something to admire, then I think you need to reaffirm what it is you are looking for in life.
Hey there leapfrog,sorry to hear about your problem but i have to agree with Dragonslair on this.As much as you love your hobby it aint worth getting into debt over there will be pleanty time to increase your fish population an stuff after you finish college.Rather than spend your tax return on more fish an stuff see if your lfs can help you out by taking of your hands the stuff that you need to rehome in exchange fore maybe the water testing kits you need,then after you finish college you can begin to rebuild your collection and add to it.Hard i know but the money will be more use to you for bills etc.What ever you decide good luck hope you work it out. :(
Hi LeapFrog. I really know what you are going through.
With a limited income for my fish I almost went crazy. I dont know how to break into this gently so I am just going to say it. You may need to take some of those fish back to the lfs. It might be the hardest thing to do, but would probably be best for everyone, yourself included.

The bala shark will get at least 10 inches,
the gouramis will get at least 5 inches,
the acf will get at least 5 inches, and if it is female will likely get bigger than that,
and the plec, it will be a monster, I have seen one 22 inches, and the worst part was it was way to big for the tank the girl had it in so all it could do was lay at the top of the tank.

Your lfs should be happy to take these and trade for credit. Then you could get a couple smaller fish, and even some equipment or such.

But if your heart is set on keeping some or all, maybe you could put the adf with your betta. And this next bit of will probably not be very popular with some, but desperate times call for desperate measures, wal-mart sells 10 gallon tanks for about $27.00, comes with hood, and filter. You might need to get a heater.
It is not the highest quality set-up, but will sufice for a bit. It would only be temporary because before long you are going to need a bigger tank if you keep all your fish. The gouramis will grow quickly.

If you do decide to return the bigger fish, that could also be temporary. You could then save for a bigger better tank and get the fish that you want later.

I save all loose change in the house in a drawer, you would be suprised how fast it adds up. And if the fish urge is getting you again, wal-mart also sells 55 gallon tanks(no stand) for about $120.00-$150.00. It is goal to work towards. And in the meantime you can research fish, and make all kinds of plans for what you are gonna do when you get a bigger tank. I keep a note book with all my thoughts and plans.

Just my thoughts, I wish you luck.
Hi LeapFrog_85 :)

Keeping fish is an expensive hobby, but it is possible to have a very nice aquarium, with a variety of fish, at a reasonable cost. I do not have a very large income, but I have 10 tanks with an assortment of fish and frogs. :nod:

First, read this link to get some ideas about how to get inexpensive equipment:

Second, now that you have a better working knowledge of what is involved with the hobby, take time to consider the fish you have and decide if they are really the ones you want. Nina7777 made some very good points about the problems you can expect with some of the fish you have.

Will you and your bf be going away to college? If so, what about the fish? Bettas and frogs are fairly portable and are easily transported back and forth during school breaks, but with other fish this can be a major problem. :X

Third, develop a plan for how you will keep up with your hobby in the future.

I'm fond of cory cats and breed them to offset the cost of the hobby. You will not get rich breeding fish, but it's fun to do and if you like to do it, it can (more or less) pay for itself.

If breeding isn't for you, just evaluate what you have and either try to exchange them for smaller fish that you can realistically keep in the tank you have or put any available funds away until you can find bargains to stretch each dollar to the max.

The most important thing to consider is that we are talking about living creatures who deserve to have decent and comfortable lives while in your care. If you cannot provide them with the conditions they require, do the right thing and give them to someone who can. :nod: In the long run, the ones you do keep will have better lives and you will spare yourself much unhappiness. :thumbs:
Inchworm said:
Will you and your bf be going away to college? If so, what about the fish? Bettas and frogs are fairly portable and are easily transported back and forth during school breaks, but with other fish this can be a major problem. :X
Actually we only live 45 minutes away from the colleges we were going to attend. Convenient, huh. I'm not sure if we will be moving closer or not but we won't have to worry about break travel.
I don't really want to get rid of my fish but I have an idea.

My Dad has a 10 gallon tank but it has a crack in the bottom, he said he would give it to me and I could silicone it. I thought maybe I could use this for my newt since he only needs half the amount of water there wouldn't be as much pressure on the crack? Would that work?? I would need to get a lid for it but that probably wouldn't be hard and maybe if I found a cheap one my Dad would help me get it.

Also I had a though. I really really love my Blue Gouramis and my Bala Shark so I don't want to get rid of them. What if I got rid of the Golden Tiger Barb since he tends to chase everything and since I have a Rosy Barb and a Tiger Barb that are pretty calm they would be alright together. I also thought I could get rid of the 2 Kissing Gouramis because they chase eachother all over the place and are sort of a pest to the other fish. I wasn't sure about putting the AFC with the Betta because I don't have a place for a hearter in the Betta's tank but he doesn't seem to mind. I only have a spot for the filter tube. And Also there is a little triangle cut into the top of the lid for feeding. I could sell my Pleco to someone I am sure and just buy another Dwarf Oto to keep the tank clean.

I still want to get another tank but I will have to see. If I can afford to get another tank would I be able to get a 10 gallon maybe and put the Bala, 3 Gouramis, and the Golden Tiger Barb in there with 2 or 3 Dwarf Otos or Corys and the AFC? I don't want to keep the Golden Tiger Barb with the other fish because he is said to be a nipper and I have a Black Widow Tetra that has a beautiful fin. Would that work to accomidate all the fish?
Would that work to accomidate all the fish?

*Warning! Brutal honesty alert*

No, no, no. Not even close. :no:

Honey, you've got problems in that selection of fishes that all the ten-gallon tanks in the world won't help. :no: The Bala shark will never have anything but a miserable life in a ten gallon tank, if he even lives very long, and he'll never be happy without the company of more sharks. Same for the two kissing gouramis - a ten gallon tank just for the two of them wouldn't even be near sufficient once they're grown. And the pleco - oy vey! - no way can you keep that guy in a ten (or fifteen, or twenty) gallon. :( Someday down the road you are almost certainly looking at a tank crash and loss of life in a very big way.

When it comes right down to it, you're going to do what you want to do no matter what anybody says, but the friendly folks here *are* giving you the right advice. If you cannot care for your fish properly, please let them find homes that can accomodate them and make them happy, and only keep the fish you can provide the proper care for. Caring for an animal but not being able to keep it happy is not really caring for an animal. :sad: It's a sad truth, but you must understand that. You are young and have many fine years ahead of you; someday you'll be able to properly house and care for all the fish you want...err, well okay... *most* of the fish you want (I doubt any of us are *that* wealthy :blink:). But if that's not today, care enough for your fish to make the right decision, even if it's not what you want. If they had a vote, they'd ask you to. I promise you they'll thank you for it.

GOOD NEWS! I just found a 10 gallon tank with stand and all accessories in the local newspaper for only $20!!! It's not very big but hey it's better than what I have!!!! YESS!!!!!!
Could Iget rid of the 2 kissers and the pleco and then see what happens?

I can tell you. :(

Your Bala Shark will still be miserable and cramped. If the stress doesn't do him in, someday (maybe soon), he will bang himself with great force into the sides of that way-too-small tank and either injure or kill himself. Anyone who's kept Balas will confirm this.

Your two tiger barbs, the black widow tetra, the red-eye tetra, the otocinclus and the rosy barb - who are all schooling fish who need to school with their own kind - will continue to feel isolated and lonely. They, too, will probably succumb to an infection or illness. With the pleco, kissing gouramis and Bala Shark gone, though, at least they'll *almost* have a little bit of room and clean water.

And finally, your Clawed Frog will eventually start picking them off one by one.

I don't mean to be cruel. We are all beginners at some time and hindsight is 20/20, but girl, you could've used some guidance *big time* with your stocking choices. :(


I too am on a very limmited budget with my aquarium and know how hard it can be. I started accumulating aquarium supplies about 5 years ago, when I was 10, so now I am pretty well set. You really should listen to the advice by pendragon about the bala shark. They get to be over a foot long and that's almost as long as a ten gallon tank. They also grow very fast. I got a two inch bala shark and put it in my 75 gallon aquarium and in six months it was about 6 inches. Either way, a ten gallon aquarium is way too small for a bala shark. You will give it a terrible life in such a small enclosure. I think the kissing Guramis get to be pretty big. If I were you I would just get a few small fish like livebearers or tetras.

I BOUGHT A 20GAL LONG (perfecto) for 19.99, + a penguin bio wheel 170 for 26.95 + the heater was 8.95 25lbs of gravel was 19.95 (my guys got great prices)

i also read every book on tropical fish they had at 3 of my librarys in my area!!! lol honestly reading books on fish care and fish is absoulutly awesome!!!!! try it, you learn so much, and its relaxing.....i wish i woulda read a lil more b4 i bought but im happy w/my 1st tank + thinking about my 2nd now lol...the bils always seem to get paid, your young enjoy your tank!!! besides $75 aint gonna bring your dept situation to a hault!!! lol get the tank!!!! besides thats what tax returns are for, NOT BILLS!!!! you already got billed on *IT* and took a beating right? BLOW IT ON FISH!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BESIDES the fish are relaxing and help forget about bills lmao!!!!!!

:kana: :flex: :cool:

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