Advice Needed


New Member
Sep 1, 2006
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I have a 30 litre Biorb. It is overstocked! :blush:

In it there are:
2 tiger barbs
4 neon tetra
1 head and tail light tetra
2 torpedo barbs
2 zebra danios
2 pearl danios
1 emperor tetra
2 shrimp
1 apple snail
1 Betta

Everyone is living together happily at the moment. Since reading on forums I have realied that I am very lucky the Betta is not being harrassed by his tankmates!

I am about to go and pick up a 4ft x 15 inch x 12 inch aquarium in about 2 hrs. Very excited and I'm sure my fish will be very grateful!

The plan is to separate my fish up into the two tanks once the new tank has cycled. I plan to use the ornament and some water from my Biorb to help with the cycling process. However, we are really wanting to get a shark for the new tank so the mix needs to be done just right.

How does this sound?:

In the Biorb:
1 Betta
6 Neons (add 2)

In the larger tank:
6 Tiger barbs (add 4)
2 Torpedos
2 Zebra danios
2 Pearl Danios
1 Apple snail
Some smaller shoaling fish...any suggestions?
1 Shark (possibly Rainbow as from researching these are the more placid)

Could I add anymore to the larger tank?

Thankyou in advance for any help,


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