Advice Needed Plz


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2003
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Hi Guys,
Just wondering if any of you's know if there is any turtles i can have in my community tank? peaceful,small etc?

Not sure if this is in the right forum so please correct me if im wrong!!

Very greatful for Any advice!!

Cheers Joe!
One of the turtles main food source is fish. They also eat snails, anacharis, and actually anything that moves. They really aren't picky. They will rearrange the tank to the way they want it. :rofl: Turtles also need an area out of the tank for them to bask on and get totally dry. So I would say that there are no turtles that would do well in a community tank.

Was just wondering cause i think the wee guys are cool!!

Thanx again joe,
if you have large fish you might be able to get away with a chinese soft shell turtle (they never need to leave the water) but I think you would be safer keeping the fish with a cat.

cheers opcn i'll look into it!!
Thanx alot for your advice!!

Cheers Joe!
Turtles are yucky I wouldn't put one in a beautiful community tank. I keep Webster in his own digs,he's a RES. If you do,don't cry if you see the tail or head bitten off of one of your favorite fish! It could happen. ;)

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