All advice appreciated
This is my first post.
First I must say the forums have been an invaluable resource for information and I don’t think I would have ventured into marines with out the help and support of everyone who posts on the forums.
Last night at around midnight I spotted on my two juvenile false percula clownfish with what looked to be ich. The fish were sluggish and covered with small white spots and looked to be on deaths door. The one fish was losing its colour and both were rubbing. I prepared a freshwater dip and dipped both fish for ten mins. This morning both fish looked remarkably healthy with no signs of ich. Both fed this morning and as a precaution I finely chopped some garlic and fed to both the clowns. I have never done this before.
I know the ich is probably my fault as last week I introduced a new firefish that I did not quarantine and from a shop I have never used before.
The firefish looks very healthy this morning so not sure it was the culprit but won’t be adding anything to the tank without a quarantine I know that for sure.
I don’t have a quarantine tank at the moment but plan on setting one up very soon.
The tank was set up on the 24th of May it’s a D-D 24 gallon dx and was my freshwater tank for two years before I took the dive into marine. The tank was cycled over a five week period with no real ammonia spikes with 10 kg of live rock and 30 lb of live sand and RO water. I have upgraded the return pump to a MJ1200 and added a tmc skimmer and korala nano. The tank holds 75 liters of water with rock and sand and I change 10 liters of water every week.
I run phosphate remover in chamber one with a packet of algone and fresh filter floss every four days
The stock is
2 false percs added 13/07/2010
1 firefish last week
1 skunk cleaner shrimp added 03/07/2010
5 hermits added 03/07/2010
6 astra snails 27/07/2010
3 cerith snails 03/07/2010
1 nass snail 27/07/2010
Star polyps
Hairy Green mushrooms
The normal params are
Temp: 28c
PH: 8.2
Using a red sea marine test kit. I test every four days.
Yesterday before the incident with the clowns I noticed that the star polyps were not coming out fully and the water test showed my ph was 8.0.
Today the star polyps are not out at all.
I made up my normal water change yesterday and will be doing the change today.
My questions are.
What would be your further advice for the clowns treatment and anything to get my tank better.
Should I run the tank fallow for six weeks.
Could the PH drop have caused this and if so I have a sample bottle of success buff with the test kit but don’t like to use chemicals would you use this in your tank.
All advice appreciated
This is my first post.
First I must say the forums have been an invaluable resource for information and I don’t think I would have ventured into marines with out the help and support of everyone who posts on the forums.
Last night at around midnight I spotted on my two juvenile false percula clownfish with what looked to be ich. The fish were sluggish and covered with small white spots and looked to be on deaths door. The one fish was losing its colour and both were rubbing. I prepared a freshwater dip and dipped both fish for ten mins. This morning both fish looked remarkably healthy with no signs of ich. Both fed this morning and as a precaution I finely chopped some garlic and fed to both the clowns. I have never done this before.
I know the ich is probably my fault as last week I introduced a new firefish that I did not quarantine and from a shop I have never used before.
The firefish looks very healthy this morning so not sure it was the culprit but won’t be adding anything to the tank without a quarantine I know that for sure.
I don’t have a quarantine tank at the moment but plan on setting one up very soon.
The tank was set up on the 24th of May it’s a D-D 24 gallon dx and was my freshwater tank for two years before I took the dive into marine. The tank was cycled over a five week period with no real ammonia spikes with 10 kg of live rock and 30 lb of live sand and RO water. I have upgraded the return pump to a MJ1200 and added a tmc skimmer and korala nano. The tank holds 75 liters of water with rock and sand and I change 10 liters of water every week.
I run phosphate remover in chamber one with a packet of algone and fresh filter floss every four days
The stock is
2 false percs added 13/07/2010
1 firefish last week
1 skunk cleaner shrimp added 03/07/2010
5 hermits added 03/07/2010
6 astra snails 27/07/2010
3 cerith snails 03/07/2010
1 nass snail 27/07/2010
Star polyps
Hairy Green mushrooms
The normal params are
Temp: 28c
PH: 8.2
Using a red sea marine test kit. I test every four days.
Yesterday before the incident with the clowns I noticed that the star polyps were not coming out fully and the water test showed my ph was 8.0.
Today the star polyps are not out at all.
I made up my normal water change yesterday and will be doing the change today.
My questions are.
What would be your further advice for the clowns treatment and anything to get my tank better.
Should I run the tank fallow for six weeks.
Could the PH drop have caused this and if so I have a sample bottle of success buff with the test kit but don’t like to use chemicals would you use this in your tank.
All advice appreciated