New Member
I'm not looking for "should haves," but would like some advice, please. I know I have rushed starting up this tank. It's a 55g with Emperor 400 filter, standard heater and lights. Started the tank 3 weeks ago and was determined to have 6 corys and 3 neons by Christmas morning because I have an established tank to jump-start cycling. I started with seeded gravel from a 1.5g tank that I have at work (it housed 2 serpae tetra). I put about a cup of seeded gravel in the media cartridges of the new tank's filter and put a few live plants (java fern) from my work tank into the new tank. Also put about 1/2 cup seeded gravel into the tank on top of the new gravel. 24 hours after putting the gravel and plants into the tank, I put in 6 corydoras cats (fish store got the fish a day later than expected--so the fish acclimated to the pet store tank in the morning and then into my tank that same evening. Stressful, I'm sure). I noticed immediately that one of the cats had a little bit of fungus on a fin. I didn't want to treat with medicine because I didn't want to kill the beneficial bacteria in the tank. It got worse by the next day, although none of the others showed any signs of fungus. Tests all normal--ammonia, nitrite & nitrate all at 0--testing daily, but have to admit to using marine ammonia test kit, marine or fresh nitrite test, and marine nitrate test kits. (I tried putting aquarium salt into the ammonia test tube while testing, and didn't notice any difference in the results.) Poor little catfish died the next day. A day later, another one got it. I did a 20% water change (yes, with dechlor & antichloramine) and set-up a quarantine tank by moving the tetras from my work tank into a 10g at home. Used same filter & gravel and added a sponge filter. The catfish died before I could get the quarantine tank set-up. It was too far-gone, anyway. Heater broke in the 55g during water change, so tank temperature dropped from 77 degrees to about 72 degrees during the day until I got home that evening with a new heater.
Everything was fine for a couple of days. Tests all normal, but not reading any nitrate which kind of worried me. Test results have never indicated any problem with the water. Husband brought home 4 more cory cats from the same pet store (trying to cheer me up). Within a day, I noticed one cat not associating with the others, but it did come out to eat. Next morning he was stuck to the filter and I put him out of his misery. All 7 catfish seemed fine for a couple of days.
Waited until the day before Christmas to get the neons. Added 10 from WalMart--acclimated them very slowly. Noticed one tiny neon with a white spot on a fin right away. Also noticed another cat not associating with the others. Catfish and neon died yesterday. Noticed another one with ich this morning. I have successfully battled ich before at half dose with clown loaches, but am really reluctant to use medication in the 55g right now.
So--it's impossible to catch one little neon with a spot of ich and another catfish is being antisocial. I'm tempted to try a half dose of Maracide to kill ich tomites and maybe half dose of fungus med, too. Any thoughts? Plan to do a 20% water change today and to buy a freshwater ammonia test kit and some ammo-lock. Have heard that ammo-lock will neutralize effects of ammonia, but not impede cycling. I feel guilty enough already, so please don't criticize me for rushing things.
Everything was fine for a couple of days. Tests all normal, but not reading any nitrate which kind of worried me. Test results have never indicated any problem with the water. Husband brought home 4 more cory cats from the same pet store (trying to cheer me up). Within a day, I noticed one cat not associating with the others, but it did come out to eat. Next morning he was stuck to the filter and I put him out of his misery. All 7 catfish seemed fine for a couple of days.
Waited until the day before Christmas to get the neons. Added 10 from WalMart--acclimated them very slowly. Noticed one tiny neon with a white spot on a fin right away. Also noticed another cat not associating with the others. Catfish and neon died yesterday. Noticed another one with ich this morning. I have successfully battled ich before at half dose with clown loaches, but am really reluctant to use medication in the 55g right now.
So--it's impossible to catch one little neon with a spot of ich and another catfish is being antisocial. I'm tempted to try a half dose of Maracide to kill ich tomites and maybe half dose of fungus med, too. Any thoughts? Plan to do a 20% water change today and to buy a freshwater ammonia test kit and some ammo-lock. Have heard that ammo-lock will neutralize effects of ammonia, but not impede cycling. I feel guilty enough already, so please don't criticize me for rushing things.