I really like the idea of using reeds and foliage to give my tank a more naturalistic look, but the challenge is finding them where i'm from.
The good news is I know that barnyard grass (
Echinochloa crus-galli) is found in rice fields and has a similarly reedy, stalky appearance and there’s even some growing in a park not far from me. If I were to use barnyard grass parts for the biotope, should I boil them as a precaution? I want to make sure it's safe for my tank and i've heard about potential risks of introducing mold or bacteria when adding leaves and stuff.
As for the biotope itself, I’ve updated the plant selection. The biotopes based on marshlands and swamps are beautiful but i’m just not a huge fan of the lack of submerged vegetation. (look below for what i mean) so i think i'll just base it off of rice paddies
There are a few other species i wanted to add but they were invasive and illegal to distribute in new zealand
right now the selection is:
- Barnyard grass stems and leaves (Echinochloa crus-galli)
- Common duckweed (Lemna minor)
- Mosquito fern (Azolla pinnata)
- Indian swampweed (Hygrophila polysperma)
- Dwarf rotala (Rotala rotundifolia) (apparently these guys are actually native to south east asia and often found growing at the edge of rice paddies )
- Ambulia (Limnophila sessiliflora)
However i'd also like to use some kind of leaves to mimic the substrate better.
I'm not sure what kind of leaves are safe and or best for this kind of look.
Speaking of substrate how reasonable are deep (8-10cm) substrates? I hear alot of fear-mongering when it comes to deep substrated tanks, particularly about hydrogen sulfide buildup but i also hear alot of good things. i'd like to try using half aquasoil and then a surface level mix of gravel and sand to mimic the images above
Also, hybridization between the two species is much less of a concern for me than the compatability of the two species in a shared envrionment.
Unfortunate however there simply isn't any straight forward advice or information I can find when it comes to putting sparkling and croaking gourami together.
It seems like there is alot of variation in behavior in sparkling gouramis judging from how mixed everyones opinions are. im just hoping having a heavily planted tank will be able to minimize any potential territorial aggression.