Advice for new fish tank


New Member
Mar 19, 2005
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Hi, I am new here. I have had a 10 gallon tank for a long time (10+ years). I am wanting to upgrade to a 26 to 36 gallon bowfront or possibly a 35 gallon hex. I'd love to go bigger, but finances and space limit the size (for now anyway). I currently have a large angel fish, 2 harlequin rasbora, a cory cat, and a plecostomos. I would like to get some more rasbora, some type of cat fish, and I'm not sure exactly what else, maybe a kuhli loach. Also want to add to my plant collection. I think the angel fish would appreciate a bigger tank and I don't want him to eat anyone (so that probably rules out some types of fish). I would appreciate recommendations on filtration (I am curious about the canister filtration systems) and any other help/advice/wisdom that could be offered. About how many fish (roughly) can I have per tank (26 bow vs 36 bow vs 35 hex). Thanks a ton!!!
Hey, welcome to the family! Anything you want to know, just post. There are absolutely loads of fish-maniacs here.

Yep, a big tank is what you need, and if you can, get many more because you're going to be bitten by the MTS bug before you know it. :p
Some other questions. When I have my bigger tank. Can I put some smaller angel fish in with the big angel fish (I think he is about 4 inches long (not including tail) and 2.5 inches high)? Would a male betta be incompatible with angel fish (I think I have heard that somewhere but just wanted to hear what people think). Are canister filters superior to undergravel filtration (I want the best filtration I can get but if there is not a huge difference, it seems more economical to go with undergravel filtration). I am looking to set up a community tank and want everyone to get along. Thanks!

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