Advice For Future Puffer Keeper!


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
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SE England
Hi Everyone,

I am hoping to eventually set up my own puffer set up (freshwater).
I do have a 6 foot fresh water tropical community tank, however I don't think it is the environment to keep a puffer!
The tank I set up will have a place on my desk, and so will be about 60 litres (13 gallons).

I love the look of, and have seen figure eight puffers for sale as fresh water fish, I have since found out that this is false - they are brackish. So I now want to make sure I choose the right species!

So, my questions!

What puffers would you recommend for my tank?
I like the look of dwarf puffers and south american puffers, but how many of these species could I have in the tank?

What substrate is recommended?
I've read that sand is the best substrate. Is this correct?

What filter would be best for a 13 gallon puffer set up?
I'm at a complete loss at what filter! I have a fluval on my 6 footer, and it's great (although that is external, are the internals just as good?) Specific models would be great!

Beak trimming?
I've heard that South American (Amazon) puffers benefit from having their beaks trimmed every so often. Does this apply to other species?

Best food?
I know that puffers need crunchy food, but what kind of food would be best?

Cleaning up?
Seeing as puffers are messy eaters, are there any fish (full names, please!) that could serve as a clean up crew?

I've already asked how many puffers I could keep, but are there any other tank mates I could add?

On his own?
I've heard mixed reviews about this. Some say that a single puffer would be find on his own, but others say he'll get bored. Any views on this? (please refer to specific species)

I'm so sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I have perfectly prepared!
Hannah :)
What puffers would you recommend for my tank?
I like the look of dwarf puffers and south american puffers, but how many of these species could I have in the tank?
Your tank is too small for SAPs; they are hyperactive animals and cannot be kept in tanks smaller than 90 cm/3 ft in length. Watch them in your local aquarium shop: they will be bombing around like danios! Give them space. Really, Dwarf Puffers are the only species suitable here, at least of the common traded species. Possibly a single specimen of one of the less active and smaller Tetraodon species could work, e.g., the brackish-water species Tetraodon erythrotaenia, but this species isn't traded commonly. Alternatively, a single Carinotetraodon lorteti or a pair of Carinotetraodon irrubesco could work, but in my experience these become very shy in small tanks, and are best kept (perhaps in groups) in more spacious tanks.

What substrate is recommended?
I've read that sand is the best substrate. Is this correct?
Makes no difference at all.

What filter would be best for a 13 gallon puffer set up?
I'm at a complete loss at what filter! I have a fluval on my 6 footer, and it's great (although that is external, are the internals just as good?) Specific models would be great!
Any decent filter is acceptable. An adequate sponge filter can work perfectly well, as could an undergravel filter. An internal canister is perhaps the easiest option. But go as your budget dictates. Overestimate the size of the filter though, because puffers are carnivores, and carnivores tend to put a heavier strain on biological filters than omnivorous fish. Get something rated for a tank 50-100% bigger than your aquarium. It's easier to reduce water flow on a big filter than to add a second filter when you discover the first one isn't up to snuff. Obviously you need 0 ammonia and nitrite at all times, but you also want good circulation because puffers are very intolerant of oxygen-poor conditions (they have very small gill openings and no ability to use air, unlike many "standard" aquarium fish).

Beak trimming?
I've heard that South American (Amazon) puffers benefit from having their beaks trimmed every so often. Does this apply to other species?
Generally other species don't need beak trimming, but do review each species, and in particular, ensure the right diet. Insect-eating species are less prone to overlong beak teeth than other species.

Best food?
I know that puffers need crunchy food, but what kind of food would be best?
A variety. Krill, brine shrimp, bloodworms, midge larvae, chopped tilapia fillet, minced seafood all have their place.

Cleaning up?
Seeing as puffers are messy eaters, are there any fish (full names, please!) that could serve as a clean up crew?
Cleaning up is your job. Otocinclus and some shrimps seem to work with Dwarf Puffers, but Otocinclus are difficult to keep, especially in small tanks. All the other puffers should be kept in single-species set-ups.

I've already asked how many puffers I could keep, but are there any other tank mates I could add?
None with any reliability. I have kept puffers in mixed species tanks without problems, but others have kept identical species and watched add chaos ensued. SAPs are nippy rather than territorial, so when kept in big tanks with fast-moving tankmates they tend to be manageable, if not exactly harmless. All the other freshwater puffers seem to be territorial at minimum, and often partly predatory as well, eating other fish whole or one bite at a time.

On his own?
I've heard mixed reviews about this. Some say that a single puffer would be find on his own, but others say he'll get bored. Any views on this? (please refer to specific species)
SAPs are sociable and seem to be happiest in groups, but all the others are best kept singly because they are so territorial. Carinotetraodon irrubesco and to a lesser degree C. lorteti can do well in pairs or harems, given space, especially the latter species. Dwarf Puffers can be kept in groups, ideally with males outnumbering females, allowing 2-3 gallons per specimen.

Cheers, Neale
While others can comment on keeping Dwarf Puffers, lets rule out one thing catagorically...

SAPs are not suitable for a 60l, they do far better in groups and need a tank with some length and plenty of current, but with some areas of dense territories for the puffers to explore and prevent "pacing", your 6-footer could create an amazing SAP setup. A link to a recent SAP project...
Hi Hannah, welcome to the forum. Great first post. The link that Goat has provided is mine. They have been on a journey thats for sure. In fact, i have just finished moving them back to their original home, the 88 litre 80cm tank. This move is only temporary though and they will be upgraded to a new tank in a couple of weeks. Hopefully a 90cm one again.

I have 3 SAP's and they have lived happily with 2 Otocinclus. (Not at the minute though) No issues what so ever, in fact there hasn't even been any nipped fins. They just ignore them and seemingly don't even notice them. The eventual plan is to add a group of around 7 Otocinclus to their tank. BUT i brought my last two SAP's from a woman who had them in with all sorts, and EVERYTHING had nipped fins, even the Corydoras.

SAP's do benefit from and enjoy a larger tank that is for sure. I saw a massive change in behaviour from themwhen they were in my 3ft 180 litre tank. The temporary move is due to other fish on other tanks needing to be moved so this was the only option unfortunately. But as said, it's temporary so they will be fine. SAP's enjoy high flow in their water, so i have added one of my TetraTec EX1200 external filters, so although their new home is smaller, the flow is excellent for them.

Provide lots of hidey holes, nooks and crannies for them to explore. A rather heavily planted tank would be ideal for them. They tend to pace the glass a little if there is not enough interest in their tank for them to enjoy.

No experience of Dwarf Puffers so i will let other people advise on those, but SAP's can be fantastic characterful pets of given the right setup to shine.
Thanks very much for all the replies! I didn't think the tank would be big enough for a SAP. Shame :(

Out of interest, what would the recommended tank volume be for a small group of SAP's?

So, onto Dwarf Puffers. Any more general information, tips, and photos would be appreciated!
I'm sorry for yet another post...
Apart from Dwarf puffers, I'm also looking for other options in puffer fish.

As stated before, I'm probably going to get a tank of around 60L (13 UK gallons) although 90L (20 UK gallons) may be possible.

I'm not sure about getting SAPs - they look like beautiful puffers, but apparently they are more prone to overgrown beaks? Is this right? Obviously, I would feed the right diet to try and prevent this.

I also like the look of figure-eight puffers, but I appreciated that they are brackish. I've heard that a teaspoon of marine salt every water change would suffice?

Would a puffer around the size of a F8 be ok in a 60L tank (I hope I haven't asked this?) If not, 20 gallons it is!

I would also be really useful to hear whether anyone knows of a good place (shop or online) that sells 90L tanks (in the UK). My max measurements are around 24"L x 15"D x 16"H.
I have seen tanks advertised around this size, however they come with an internal filter - something I don't wish to have (external all the way!)
I also like the look of figure-eight puffers, but I appreciated that they are brackish. I've heard that a teaspoon of marine salt every water change would suffice?
No, doesn't work this way. Don't use spoons. Get a hydrometer. You're aiming for ~SG 1.003-1.005.

Cheers, Neale
I also like the look of figure-eight puffers, but I appreciated that they are brackish. I've heard that a teaspoon of marine salt every water change would suffice?
No, doesn't work this way. Don't use spoons. Get a hydrometer. You're aiming for ~SG 1.003-1.005.

Cheers, Neale

Thanks very much for the advice! Know a good one?

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