Advice For Breeding Abn


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2006
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does any 1 have any advice cause my male just hides in his cave all day long.... while females roam the tank... hes been like that ever since i bought him 2 months or so... do they ever get too old to breed cause hes about 8cm while females are 5-6cm
the sizes you have givin states they are not at a breeding size only my male is about 4.5 inches and is guarding his first batch while the females are alot bigger than him
just give them time to grow and im sure they will breed soon in the near future for you

cheers dane
It takes time, patience and peaceful or no tankmates at all. I've had two breedings so far and they were months apart. The first one was in a 55g and had too many aggressive tankmates so when I moved them to a smaller 40g breeder with peaceful tankmates, they hit it off faster and have fry roaming now.
It takes time, patience and peaceful or no tankmates at all. I've had two breedings so far and they were months apart. The first one was in a 55g and had too many aggressive tankmates so when I moved them to a smaller 40g breeder with peaceful tankmates, they hit it off faster and have fry roaming now.

ummm no tank mates? i got a clown loach is that bad?
Clown Loaches will probably eat the fry. Found out firsthand when my plecs bred the first time. If you can move the Clown to another tank you should do it.
My Male is about 12cm and the female about 8cm and they bred for the first time last month they've both been happily ignoring each other in a community tank with clowns and stuff for months. I just gave him a strawberry pot cave with one tiny opening (a bit larger than his head) which he moved into pretty quick and sat in there cleaning it up a bit then he invited his lady friend in and wahey) I managed to catch a load of the fry just after they hatched and as they were thinking about leaving the cave, didn't try before as I didn't want to spook the male (imo he's vital in getting them to hatch)
I just think your's sound a bit small to worry just yet.
My Male is about 12cm and the female about 8cm and they bred for the first time last month they've both been happily ignoring each other in a community tank with clowns and stuff for months. I just gave him a strawberry pot cave with one tiny opening (a bit larger than his head) which he moved into pretty quick and sat in there cleaning it up a bit then he invited his lady friend in and wahey) I managed to catch a load of the fry just after they hatched and as they were thinking about leaving the cave, didn't try before as I didn't want to spook the male (imo he's vital in getting them to hatch)
I just think your's sound a bit small to worry just yet.
wat temp did u have ures at
My Male is about 12cm and the female about 8cm and they bred for the first time last month they've both been happily ignoring each other in a community tank with clowns and stuff for months. I just gave him a strawberry pot cave with one tiny opening (a bit larger than his head) which he moved into pretty quick and sat in there cleaning it up a bit then he invited his lady friend in and wahey) I managed to catch a load of the fry just after they hatched and as they were thinking about leaving the cave, didn't try before as I didn't want to spook the male (imo he's vital in getting them to hatch)
I just think your's sound a bit small to worry just yet.
wat temp did u have ures at
Temps around 78-80, it was 79 when she laid the eggs but frankly she was so heavy I don't think she really cared....
Mine bred at lower temperatures, somewhere in the mid 70° range so they don't' seem too particular about that.
it depends what they are used to but i have always don a couple of big water changes (cold water) and turned the heater up to 80 degrees farenhiet that they will spawn within days plenty of courgette and bloodworm before you do the water changes just to give the male a bit of beef as he will fast for how everlong it takes for the fry to swim free

cheers dane

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