Advice For Beginner Please!


New Member
Jan 17, 2007
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Just acquired a small (18x10x10 inch) tank and need some advice on a good filter / heater or system for keeping low maintenance / risk fish!

Also, some advice on what fish might be hardiest and also compatible for a beginner.

most people like to start out with fancie guppied rainbow fish and tertas there nice to start with as for filter a fuvel 1 (spelt worng sommat like that lol) that will do u nicely do you know about cycling the tank?
you can have about 15 inches of fish i always recommend danios or guppies or something around that size for a small tank do you know about the cycle?
You will find very differing opinions on this, some people are more biased to some fish opposed to others (personally I'd get a few tetras, platies and cories).

What you need to do is research up on cycling, get it set up, start your fishless cycle and while that is happening, look around at your LFS and online and see if any fish catch your eye. Do not buy the fish tho, once you know what you like research them and see if they are suitable for your tank. If they are suitable then DON'T buy them until your cycle is complete.

When your cycle is complete then, obviously, buy your fish, but I suggest to stock slowly just in case your filter doesn't have quite enough beneficial bacteria right off the bat.

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