Admit It Bad Idea


Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, United States
At the suggestion of a local fish store owner I tried something new. I have a 80 gallon tank with black sand bottoms, and no fish at the moment due to a fishtastrify. It has 3 basic full spectrum bulbs, no CO2. Sorry :) to the point I tried potting my plants in actual pots in basic potting soil, with a layer of the black sand on top then rocks to keep it in the pots. The plants look great lots of swords, lilies, hydrophilia<--- not sure if that name is exactly right but close. Well a month or two into it my water started turning green. I figured it was too much nutrients so I added more plants. but iit just keeps getting greener. A small amount of algea on the glass, but mainly just in the water. I had heard have the lights on in 4 hour increments rather then 8, but that didnt seem to work. So I am thinking of just blacking out the tank. Finally to the point how long? How long can the plants go without the light, and about how long does it take to kill off algea? Thanks in advance for any help.

Plants should be taken out of the pots, they will not do well left in them, the roots will be very cramped.
Black outs only really work on BGA, if you've got free floating algae like green water, then a UV steriliser is your best bet, something like this would work well, just run it when for a few day it'll clear it up. Then remove it once the problem goes.

Other algae types need more tailored treatments. If you are able to ID any of the algae then we could probably help more :)


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