Adlers Rainbow Snakehead


Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
uk Cumbria
i went in to the shop and saw the snake head but i could not find out much about it so can u lot help me

can u get small snakeheads
The true name for the rainbow snakehead is Channa bleheri which is indeed a dwarf species with a maximum size of around 6 inches. A single specimin would be safe for a community of fish over 4 inches but if they are kept in numbers it should be in a species tank as they will kill any tankmates if they decide to breed. As with all snakeheads they are predators which feed on small fish and invertabrates so need a more protein rich meaty diet.
These are a great fish.

I have read a max size of anywhere between 4 and 8 inches. I started with two and they are fantastic, however one has dissappeared a while ago. What caused it I am unsure as due to the fish in the tank, if a body falls at night, it'll be gone by morning...

However, I digress...

The fish are fantastic to watch, especially all the colours they display. My remaining one loves to hang around in floating plants and jump for my fingers at feeding if I'm taking too long putting the food in.

I have seen no aggression issues with other fish, but keep in mind what CFC said about breeding. I also haven't seen any real marking of territory either, though now he is the only one he may feel the whole thing is his.

Mine gets fed a variety of:

Carnivore pellets;
Catfish pellets;
Live shrimp;
Live crickets;

and takes all with gusto.

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