adjusting pH


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
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I bought a test kit yesterday (along with a salt and pepper cory :fun: ) It is only a pH one though :( , and it is reading quite acidic :eek: Unless i made a about 6.3!

Does anyone adjust it. I have four platties as well that seem very happy and healthy..not sure if I should mess with things but am worried about cory (yes I know they should be in groups, am getting a few more next week)..

If so, how do you do it. Do you just chuck the powder in the tank? It doesn't have a dose, it just says 'maximum 1tsp' every 12 hours, I have a 10 gallon.

Hi Leksie,

If your fish are fine there is no need to mess with your pH. Most fish are ok at adapting to pH levels that aren't regarded as ideal.

What they don't like is fluctuating pH. If you add a commercial pH buffer, the chances are your pH will starting fluctuating as you have to constantly add more of the product. This will stress the fish and cause problems.

Good luck!
Although platys prefer neutral to slightly alkaline water and corys are more comfortable in neutral to acidic water, they will probably be fine. The key is that the pH stay consistant and not jump all over. I wouldn't try to do anything to it. What is the pH from your tap? Do you have anything (like driftwood or CO2 injection) in the tank that would be causing it to drop?

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