

Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
Well i am thinking of getting a small group of ADFs for my 15 gallon when it is set up again

The tank will contain: (already got these)
10 Male endlers
1 Male guppy (possibly)
1 Amano shrimp

I am definately going to add:
4/5 Amano shrimp

so was wondering if ADFs would be suitable with these tank mates and general info about them, like what substrate they prefer, at the minute i have fine black gravel, it will be planted.

they should be ok with those fish and shrimp but why keep a male guppy with male endlers? I would keep a couple of male and a group fo female endlers and no guppies. Then you can sell any fry and help to cover the costs of fish keeping :)
Im not sure if its true in all cases, but the adfs i had (rip) were very shy when they werent alone. They would come out of hiding to eat and then disappear again. Also i would put some sort of mesh over your filter intake pipe as i lost 2 of mine to being sucked into the filter. Good Luck
the male guppy was going in because i already have him and i can't get hold of any female endlers anywhere

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