
Huh, I'm not sure. I've heard many people claim that they don't like current, and are fairly poor swimmers. As I've never really had them in a high current situation, I've never tested this theory.

Maybe try current killing for a little while, and gauging their activity level again?
I keep mine in a planted 10 gallon tank, with a filter set at 30gph. They're really active little guys, most hours of the day.

I'm not real familiar with frog behavior yet, so I keep flying to the internet to read up on what's considered normal -- only to find out that it's not generally talked about. :lol:

I know they hid a great deal their first month in my tank, how long have you had them, and what size tank are they in?
Weeeeell, you might try giving him a single ADF friend, or maybe two ADF friends. If what my obsessive research tells me is correct, they do enjoy fellow frogs in the tank, and interact with each other.

If you have an obliging pet/fish store, get them to maybe get a tankmate that's a simmilar size? My local pet store would laugh in my face if I asked, but if yours will do it, a simmilar size would likely be appreciated.

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