

Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
My LFS has some ADF's in for three dollars each. I was wondering if they would eat frozen BW's? Also how many could I put in a five gallon? Can two go together and be OK?
I don't know what food they eat but the rule for ADF'S is one for every 1 gallon so yes you could put 5 in there if you want but you can't have a filter I believe because they don't like the current or the loud noises it makes maybe just a air stone?
Remember ADF'S are recommended to be in a well planted enviorment where there are many rocks because they tend to hide. They also release lots of waste so I would reccomend a filtered tank as well. Yes they eat bloodworms. But have bad eyesite so if you decide to get one go to the grocery store and buy a turkey baster so you can squirt some in front of them.

*You may get better advice if you go to the amphibian section.

-Arrowhead. ;)
If you are going to add adf's in with your betta you will need to heat and filter the water. ADF's are very messy IME. They don't like colder water, 79 seems to be about right.

They can be very interesting to watch. I have 5 in my 20G.

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