Adf's With Guppy Fry?


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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I was thinking of adding an ADF or two with my guppy fry. The smallest fry are about 1/2 cm. I don't really mind too much if a few here and there get eaten (I'm being overpopulated, stupid tetras aren't doing their job! :p ) But I just don't want the frogs to devour all of them! Also, do they prefer to have a buddy, or be alone, or be in a group? We just got some in at work and they are just adorable, they poor things never get any food though as they are housed with danios, I try to drop some bloodworms in there though whenever I get a chance. They seem to snap a lot when hunting for the bloodworms so I just wanted to check to see if they would be a danger to the little gups!

P.S. Just had to tell you guys something, this one girl came in and wanted to put on hold two "small" frogs, when all of them were the same bloody size! LoL. That happens a lot though "Oh, I would prefer this neon tetra to that one that you worked so hard to get in the net". Catch them yourself then! My boss actually said that to somebody before, LoL.
But I thought the customer was always right... :p

I usually hear about people keeping single ADFs on here.

As for the guppy fry, the ADFs I had, who were not even the max size, were able to eat the longest of blood worms in the frozen cubes, which I would say might have gotten to 1/2 cm...
But I thought the customer was always right...
Screw that! *stabs customer* MAWHAHAHAHA :lol: :crazy: Some of the people that come in...omg...just IRK me, they are just begging for me to strangle them! LoL Anyway back on topic :look:

The guppy fry stay at the surface and the frogs stay at the bottom, but will the frog go out of its way to eat a fry? Its ok if a fry strays into the frogs territory (the bottom of the tank) and gets eaten, but as I said before I don't want the frog to go on a killing spree and eat all my babies!
I used to feed the ADF with a turkey baster, and it would swim up to the upper stratum to get the worms, not sure if they were just hungry or feed while swimming...
I wouldnt try it unless you want to clear your tank of fry :/.My ADFs take pieces of chopped cockles from my hand so a guppy fry would be easy target.a friend also had a neon ate by one of hers :S

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