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Fish Crazy
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
Middlesbrough, UK
Just got 2 dwarf frogs today and one of them is swimming around all the time at the front of the tank. I wouldn't like to say he looks distressed but he is much more active that I was expecting. Is this normal, and if not any pointers as to what could be a problem for him?
What other fish do you have?
Also how high is the temp of the water?
When you introduced them to the tank did you just put them inor did
you acclimate them?
Thanks for the replies guys, they've both settled in now and are doing fine. They're in a 28l with a male betta and he's more scared of them than they are of him!
thats good news. just make sure the frogs get enough food in the long run. bettas are pigs and much better at finding the food than the frogs, and i had to supervise the feedings and use pipettes, etc., to make sure they frogs got enough food.
you should put up some pictures of your betta/frog set up. i LOVED that set up. always interesting in that tank as frogs are wonderful (and bettas too, of course:).
Sadness :sad: One of my frogs died sometime in the night. Before I went to bed I noticed he was on his back and trying to move around but there was nothing I could do to help, when I got up this morning he was gone. And now the other one isn't looking too good. He looks a bit bloated and is just floating around at the surface. I think he's gonna die too.
When you are feeding them try adding flake food first for the betta and while it's occupied by that
drop in a small amount of bloodworm so the frog eats something
before the betta get to it
I agree with the last post about bettas being pigs
I'm so sorry to hear about your frog :no:. Have you had the water quality tested recantly? Is the tank cycled? Hows the betta doing?

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