Adfs In A 2.5


Adfs should have a gallon per frog so i'd just go with 2, you could probably get away with 3 if you really wanted but they are quite messy (well mine are).

I've heard 1 gallon per frog, and 2 gallons per frog, for ADFs. There's no real set rule to it, near as I can tell, since opinions obviously vary.

Either way, the more room they have, the more active they are, and in a 2.5Gal, the more frogs you have, the less room they have. I'm told they're fine alone. I own more than one, and it's true that I don't see much intentional interaction now, while they're juvenille. They do love to swim, they're pretty active little guys once they've settled in.

I wouldn't put more than 2 in there, personally. I just have the 'less is more' mentality.

Or if you like, you can put one betta in there. :) But if you look at my post count, most of my posts are in the Betta forum, so I'm obviously a biased opinion.
I have 2 adfs and 3 amano shrimp in a tank that size with no problems whatsoever. (imp gallons mind)

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