Adf's How Much To Feed?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
so after a year of searching for some ADF's and asking my LFS if they can get any(with no luck) i found some yesterday in pets at home of all places while there getting cat food(and yes i checked they were actually ADFs and not ACFs, i know how thick some PAH workers can be :rolleyes: ) and i ended up bringing home all five that they had in the tank! :hyper:

im just wondering how much blood worm these little guys should be eating? got some of the frozen stuff just not sure how much of a cube i should be looking at giving them per day? my fiance will kindly be feeding these little fellas by hand for me as im far to squirmish to do it myself! any other sorts of foods they might appreciate other then blood worm?

im loving these little guys so much! :wub:
i feed them every 2-3 days, as much as they will eat till they're bellies are nice and round.
i also feed glassworms, daphina and brine shrimsp, sometimes all 4 mixed. again i feed till my frogs have a round belly.
i have 2 in one tank, and tend to use just under 1 frozen cube. so with 5 i would say about 2-3 cubes. maybe 2 and a half (use sharp knife to cut one in 2). if they are just frogs in the tank you could either place the worms on a small dish for them, or if sand is used as a substrate, on the sand (will fall though gaps in gravel) if fish are in tank, they may eat the food first, so use a trukey baster and hold it over a frog filled with bloodworms ( or about 1/2 cube of bloodworms) and let the worms fall out naturally, the frog will smell them and snap. do this to each frog in turn
Thankyou for that, we will be out to try and get a turkey baster tomorrow because tonights feeding was a bit of disaster! my fiance kept losing the bloodworms out of his hand and the frogs kept hiding in the ship wreck ornament so it was really difficult to make sure they all got fed enough :huh: it was very funny watching them snap at the worms though-one of the frogs went at it so hard that my fiance managed to burn himself on the tank light :lol:

i have got some piccies on my phone so will have to try and post them on here tomorrow-they are mega cute! did only buy 3 at first, walked out the shop door and turned straight back around and asked for the other two-couldnt bare to leave them behind :blush: :lol:

i did wonder, do the cubes need to be left to defrost a little first? i suppose they would if you were going the turkey baster route :S
i would let the cube defrost, best way i find is placing in in a small glass (i use a old shot glass) and add a little tank water to the glass. with in 15min it will be defrosted.
I suggest certain dried foods, ONLY SUN DRIED! Never freeze dried, as their little froggie digestive tracts can't take freeze dried food. Or seamonkeys (Artemia selina) as they are nice, wiggly, and crunchy and frogs tend to enjoy that sort of thing.

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