Fish Crazy
Ok so I've had my ADFs for about 2 weeks now I think. They live all by themselves in a 10 gallon tank. I have to say their antics rival the antics of my oddly humored corydoras in my main tank. My cat certainly finds them more interesting than any of the fish in my 55 gal which I plainly think to be odd but I think it may be because the ADFs move slower and more awkwardly than the fish. I have found my ADFs in many odd positions from hanging out in the window of the fake cave to hanging by a foot on the thermometer that's suction cupped to the side.
Yesterday I literally found one of them straddling the wire on the thermometer just hanging out. These guys are a such a trip to watch.
Yesterday I literally found one of them straddling the wire on the thermometer just hanging out. These guys are a such a trip to watch.