Adf's And Shrimp


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
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As title really, I have 3 ADF's and was wondering if I could keep some amano shrimp with them? They can be boisterous and often lunge at each other when feeding, so didnt know if they were capable of harming shrimp or not? Thoughts?
i used to have several ADF's (over 9 at once actually n my old 30 gal) and i also kept ghost shrimp in there. my thoughts are that the frogs would occasionally snag one at night time(when most active) along with the occasional neon or raspora. while this never really bothered me (as my prized emp's never suffered) but just beware that a decent size dwarf frog is perfectly capable of swallowing a small amano.
I keep 3 ADFs with Amano and cherry shrimp without any problems. I've even had baby cherry shrimp hatch and survive in the tank with them. Amano shrimp are very quick and adroit and, as adults at least, are far too big for an ADF to bother with.
but just beware that a decent size dwarf frog is perfectly capable of swallowing a small amano.
I have a very hard time believing this. Dwarfs only get to about 1.5in, 2in if you're being generous. How are they going to eat(much less catch) something their size(and often bigger)?
Well I bought 3 amano's and 3 rock shrimp and so far no problems at all, was funny watching the frogs trying to stalk the shrimp who just jump away long before the frogs can get close :D

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